Stuff about my birthday because it's coming up

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I had a weird dream where I was writing a 100 words essay to become a priest and I was only doing it for college credit. 

Hi hello

My birthday is in ten days

*jazz hands*

I'll be 15, I'll be old. 

I honestly don't expect much from my birthdays, I've had really shitty birthdays ever since I was a young child. I remember when I was 9 I politely asked my mom if we could stop celebrating my birthday. She didn't really like the idea so she got me four tickets to splash bay and I could invite two friends.. One ended up in the hospital with some thing(couldn't make it) other just took the ticket and never actually came. I remember being really excited too. 

This year I'm just going roller skating with me and my best friend(Aubre), she's spending the night as well and she barely spends the night. Also I guess my whole family will most likely come over. I told my mom to tell them not to get me anything for my birthday expect donations to the Anne Frank house and good books

My dads present came in tho. He got me season 2 & 3 of spn on dvd, and some other stuff which are inside jokes(DVD of whale sounds, a Shakespeare figure). I'm really happy about the SPN seasons because I want to collect them all, and  afterwords I'm gonna start on Buffy because im like that.



I also went and got my eyes check to see if that was the source of my headaches, but it's not. They told my mom to take me to a family doctor. My mom blames it on my horrible posture so I'm hold my laptop in one hand and typing with the other against a wall. Rad.

Also my hair has grown out to a mullet so I look like the mom from the fucking Brady bunch. I either have to cut it off or grow it out. 

Jesus give me the strength 

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