The shrakers

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It was day two at the new school babe and hud arrived at school while kenz was on her way .....
babe : where is kenz
Hud : i don't know she always arrive before us
Mean while with kenz ..... she was wlaking down the dtreet when she saw channing tatum ordiring burger in his car
Kenz : jeez loize is that channing tatum !!!!!
Kenz go jump on his car and then the driver started driving while kenz was on the top of the car after 10 min kenz arrive late at school and go over to babe and hud
Kenz : BABE !!!!!!!!!
Babe : what ???
Kenz : i just saw channing tatum
Babe : no way where
Kenz : he was ordiring a burger then i go ober to talk to him nicely and he drived me here
Babe : channing tatum drived YOU here ??? ( saying in confued face )
Kenz : actuly .... well i jumped on his car so he started driving and he passed school so i got off the car and came here
Babe : there you go , seriously kenz the guy must thought you a freak
Hud gigles
Kenz : look i got his camera
Babe : whyyyy????
Kenz : cause tomorrow i will email him the i found his camera and he will come to meet me
Babe : oh god !!!!
Bell rings !!!!!!!
Hud : come on girl were late for class
Then they go to class
Teacher : okay kids for the new project you have to create something new that helps the humen body to make activites and you have to make a project with three partners
Bell rings !!! They meet up at lunch
Babe : hey kenz hud where togther in the project right ??
Hud and kenz : yea
Babe : okay so i was thinking that we can make the new game with school of rock the project
Kenz : babe remmber what happned last time we got an fff
Hud : kenz don't worry its a diffrent teacher and we will try to make out best
Kenz : fine but if we got an fff , i'll kill you all !!!
Kenz picks up her laptop and start searching for ideas then school of rock come and sit with them
School of rock : heyyy
Game shakers : hii
Then the prensble walk behind kenz and pick up her pastop
Prensble : no laptops aload you'll get this after a weel
Prensble leaves
Kenz : omg babe what are we gone do !!! How !!! Project !? When ??
Babe : calm down kenz
Kenz : you're ... YOU'RE telling me to calm down she took my laptop and the project is after two days how are we gone do it
Summer : hey we got al lot of problems like that
Hud : so what do upyou usually do !!!
Zack : we break into the prensble office and do what we want
Babe : okay, i'm in what you say hud kenz and school of rock we may need your help
School of rock : IN
Hud : in
Kenz : what no you want me to break into the prensble's office ??
Babe : kenz trust me it will work
Kenz : fine i'm in whats the plan
Babe : okay kenz lawrence you can hack into the camera systtum so she can't see us .hud and tamika you go and distract the prensble
Freddy : babe there is another gurd that stand infront of the prensble's office
Babe : okay zack and mr . Fenn you distract him , while me and summer and freddy go and take the laptop
Everyone : okay
Babe : but we will do the plan in the next break
Everyone : okay great !!!
Bell rings
Mr.fenn: okay the bell rang go to clases everybody
Game shakers : ok bye
Then they all leave to class while in class with school of rock the prensble came into their class
Prensble : hello students !!!! Mr.fenn i need the key tothe closet ( the closet where they hide the musical machines )
Mr. fenn : why ??
Prensble : i need them i'm talking every key in this school then she takes them and leave
Summer : oh that bad we got sudition for band blast
Freddy : mr. Fenn what are gone do
Mr.fenn : when game shakers take the loptop we can steal the keys
School of rock : okay
Mean while with game shakers
Teacher : okay students did you pick your partners
Students : yea
Babe stands upp
Babe : teacher it me and kenz and hud
Teacher :okay , anyother groupes
The teacher continue nming the groupes

Sorry for the short chapter but i wanted to make the nest chapter all
About the plan
Are you excited to see if its gone work ???
Still they gotte record a song and skatebored
Check it in the next update

Fun game shakers story : budson story حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن