Chapter 3

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Charlotte stood in front of the Judge, showing no interest in being here.

"Why you here Charlotte?"

The Judge, Tanya, asked. Charlotte sighed, rolling her eyes.

"You know why..."

The Judge sat back in her chair, crossing arms over her chest.

"First you break a girls jaw in a fight, then ya decide to try and by some drugs, and now ya' here for breaking a stores window for no damn reason."

Charlotte shrugged "Yea..."

Judge Tanya rubbed her temples, letting out a loud sigh. Meanwhile, a man entered the court room. Taking a seat on Charlotte's side on the first bench. Back to Judge Tanya who looked at Charlotte irritated.

"Charlotte hun I know you are a good kid. I've know ya' since you were little. What happened to the sweet and caring Charlotte? Who never disrespected her parents or others. What happened to her?"

Charlotte kept her head down for a minute, till she looked up slowly.

"She is long gone now..."

Judge Tanya, looked at her for a moment frowning, till she sighed.

"Well... Hun, I have not choice but to send you into juvenile detention..."

Charlotte only kept her head down, nodding slightly. Then the man from earlier stepped up.

"Your honor... May I suggest something?"

Judge Tanya looked forward "And you are?" She asked gesturing one of the guards to let him in.

"William Lennox your Honor. And if I may, I have suggestion to help Charlotte."

Judge Tanya seemed interest "Help her how?"

William sighed "Your honor. I am from the Military, and I work along side many men who can help Charlotte. They are disciplinary men, you help other soldier's. Mainly anyone's with attitude or a bad past. If you allow it, I would like to take Charlotte in and get her to a counseling session."

Charlotte turned around facing William, looking at him weirdly. Her eyes widen ones she heard him mention counseling sessions for her.

"Your honor!"

Charlotte said, looking at the Judge with pleading, not wanting to go with this stranger. Judge Tanya was more interested, but needed proof he was telling the truth.

"You got anything that can tell me you are what you say you are. And that this ain't a joke?"

William nodded, handing a folder to the guard, who then passed it to Judge Tanya.

"Well... Charlotte looks like you will be going with William Lennox."

Charlotte looked at her wide eyes "Your honor!"

Judge Tanya help yo her hand, grabbing her gavel, hitting it against the sound block.

"Case dismissed."

Judge Tanya stood up, walking down towards a door. The guard uncuffed Charlotte, guiding her over to William Lennox. The guard sighed.

"She is all yours... Good luck man."

Charlotte rolled eyes, watching as the guard walked away. William looked at Charlotte, giving her a polite smile.

"I am going to drop you off at your place. You lack a suitcase, you'll be staying at my base for two months."

William started to walk away, with Charlotte following slowly behind. They walked out of the building, William walking towards a yellow car.

"Why do you drive a rescue vehicle?"

Charlotte asked harshly, making William chuckled "It's not mine, it military property. Now come on."

William opened the door for her to climb in. Charlotte roles her eyes but climbs in the passengers seat. William closed the door.

"This fucker is crazy if he thinks I am going with him..."

"Watch your language in here femme..."

Charlotte eyes widened slightly at the new voice, but jumped a little when William climbed in the drivers seat. William saw her shocked face.

"You alright?"

Charlotte looked at him and nodded "Yea... Yea I'm cool..."

William nodded and started the car, driving off to her house.


Sorry for any errors!!

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