I See A Colorless World

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"I see differently then others, which can be good, and it could be bad, its all up to the viewer... And I haven't decided yet."

  I looked at the dark sky, it was around 3 on a Saturday afternoon. My kitten sat on my shoulder, she had black fur with grey spots and some white on her nose ears. Her name was Shadow. I walked down the sidewalk, ignoring the missing person sign - there was often times many of them here. Lets just say I didn't live in the safest neighborhood, lots of crime and drugs happened here. I wasn't exactly the richest person and my mom took the first house she could, it was either here or be living in the car for who lnows how long. When my mom and dad got divorced dad kicked us out with no warning. No time to find another house to live in, we ended up in our car. She was too stubborn to ask for help from my grandparents. I never understood why, then again I never understood most people. I mostly just understood Shadow, She was easy to understand. Unlike humans, cats are simple to understand once you know how. Humans aren't, theres always some sort of war or violence or drugs. Cats don't have war or drugs, or weapons, no rape, house cats usually have simple lives. What I didn't get was what Shadow was meowing at. Then hissing, but I continued walking. I walked into a store, a grocery store, I wanted food. When I walked out, Shadow was still hissing and I had twelve doughnuts to share with my mom and cat food. I ended up eating two doughnuts on the way home.

"Still ignoring your cat?" A voice from behind me said. I realized I was now alone.

I ran without thinking. And I tripped. Luckily the doughnuts didn't open, I picked them up and ressumed my running. I didn't exactly know why I was running, but Shadow kept hissing. I stopped running when it hurt to breathe. No one was behind me anymore. I had ran home, Mom wouldn't come home from work till five, so I had two hours. I spent them watching the black and white tv. I looked at Shadow as as she still kept hissing. It was about ten when I went to bed, that was the usual time. And I had slept well that night. Untill Shadow woke me up. I looked at her and she was glaring, hissing, spitting and even clawing at the door. I looked at it, it was a white door. I saw a black shadow appear on it and I froze as Shadow went crazy I watched it slowly move toward me, when I thought I could make it to safety to the door I leapt out of my bed and took off at full sprint - and I was a pretty fast runner. So, I ran. When I was at the park I looked around, nothing was behind me anynore....

Suddenly he- she- it was behind me.

I kept running, eventually I found myself at a place that I  didn't know of. Running on pure adrenaline I hadn't realized I didn't know where I was going. Damn it Cam! You've gotten yourself lost! What do I do now? I hadn't realized Shadow had followed me the whole way until I heard her meowing, I picked her up and put her on my shoulder. I looked at my watch, it was 2:00 AM. Picking a random direction I started walking toward the black and white trees.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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