Chapter Eleven: 16 More Days

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My mom smiled. I knew she did trust me and Brandon. "I know you guys were so excited to go camping, but I think you guys might have to take a rain check on that whole plan. The nearest campgrounds is about an hour away from home and I need you guys to be near home as possible."

I stepped out of the kitchen for a second and looked at Brandon. I assumed mom already told him about this. I looked back at mom. "Yeah, that's fine. Brandon and I can go camping some other time. You guys go have fun." I smiled as the sweet innocent child that I was. My parents obviously still didn't know about Brandon and I's MagCon plan.

"Okay, that sounds great honey. Your father and I will leave for the Caribbean on the 20th and we'll be back on the 31st. I assume that you kids can feed yourselves and take care of yourselves for 11 days." My mom said with all the trust in the world in me.

I smiled then nodded. I then ate my wonderful breakfast and went back upstairs to my room. I was still in my pajama pants and I honestly didn't feel like doing anything today, but I had to. So I went over to my desk and grabbed a piece of paper. Since MagCon was coming soon and fast, I had to plan everything so everything went perfectly! I grabbed a mechanical pencil and started to make a list on the piece of paper. I thought about all that I needed.

My list consisted of:

- An outfit - I would probably end up making my own tshirt for Matthew. So I wanted to design a shirt to wear to MagCon Day 1.

- My camera - I had a Canon EOS Rebel T3i and I would always use it. So why not use it when I'm at the best thing that will ever happen to me?!

- My blank phone case - I had a plain white iPhone 4S case somewhere in my room. I had never used it nor enjoyed it because it was so plain. But I could bring it and have the MagCon guys sign it. Like how cool would that be?!

- My phone charger - I'd probably be taking so many videos and pictures that in case if there was an outlet then I would need my phone to be fully charged.

I ran out of things to bring. I was just too excited that MagCon was actually coming to Nebraska! This is honestly a dream come true. Sixteen more days...I cam't wait.

At that same moment, my phone began to buzz. I looked down and I had recieved a notification informing me that MagCon had just tweeted something. I opened up the notification and read the tweet.

MAGCONTOUR @magcontour : MAGCON Nebraska is going to be amazing! It will be taking place at the Hilton hotel. Also, on Sunday the 24th, the MAGCON Family will be eating at Taco Bell at 3:00, prior to the VIP night. You must have a reservation there to be able to attend. Can't wait for what Nebraska has to bring :)

I began to scream. The Hilton hotel was literally ten minutes away from my house and the Taco Bell they are talking about is the one that my friends and I always go to. It's like our hangout! This is making me way more excited for MagCon!

I looked at the time and it was already 4:39pm. I ran downstairs to get Brandon. I needed to talk to him about MagCon. When I was downstairs, I saw that he was grabbing his keys.

"Hey. I need to talk to you." I stopped him before he walked with his keys.

"I don't have time for that. I'm meeting up with the guys to go longboarding." My brother said to me as he pushed me out of the way and headed for the door.

At that moment, I threw myself in front of the door and whispered to Brandon in the quietest voice possible without letting my parents hear, "It's about the MagCon plans..."

Brandon's face changed in a way that I couldn't explain. It certained changed moods from happy to a more sad mood. "Yeah...J, about that. I can't really go anymore..."

Did I just hear this all correctly? Was Brandon not coming to MagCon? And he tells me this sixteen days beforehand. Wait, if he doesn't go, then what happens to me?! I was furious. "What do you mean you can't go?!" I said as angrily as I could without letting mom or dad notice my anger.

" remember Brittney?" Brandon's ex-girlfriend who cheated on him with the quarterback of the football team. And then she moved halfway across the country without telling him. Of course I remember her. Brandon continued to expain as a million thoughts rushed through my head. "Well...She's back in town. I think we may be getting back together and Spring Break is the only time I'll get to spend time with her before she has to go back." Brandon said gently because he knew, deep down inside, that he was hurting me.

I was upset. I felt like crying. "So you'd choose to hang out with your ex-girlfriend who CHEATED on you rather than helping your little sister's dream come true?!" I was heartbroken.

" don't understand." Brandon tried to make excuses, but I quickly cut him off. "No, I completely understand. After everything you've seen me go through and you knew how much this meant to me! I guess things never change...You'll always be the brother that never cared." That was the last thing I said as I sprinted up the stairs and into my room. I didn't even look back. Once I got to my room, I slammed the door and locked it. I threw myself on my bed and I was in tears.

A million thoughts were racing through my head. Was this all an act? Did he try to be nice to me just so he could knock me back down again? Was this all a joke to him? And to think, I trusted him for a second. I guess my dreams weren't going to become a reality. My MagCon dream was dead. It was gone. As of right now, I came to the realization that any dream I ever had was stupid. So I might as well give up now.

I grabbed my phone and started scrolling down Twitter because I had nothing else to do. Plus I needed to distract myself from crying again.

I scrolled and I scrolled. Each tweet and picture made me feel worse and worse. One picture was of Katherine and Clare partying at Darcy Alonso's party. Another picture was of Nick sitting on the couch drinking punch. Another picture was of Ellen and Darcy dancing. The tweets made me feel the worst of the worst. I made a huge mistake isolating myself from everyone else.

Ellen Montgomery @ellebelle : BEST PARTY OF THE YEAR

Darcy Alonso @darcealon : MY PARTY ROCKED

Katherine Evans @kathevans : TURNUP

Clare Anderson @clarebear : three words. BEST. NIGHT. EVER

Nick Young @nickyoungg : The party wasn't the best, but hey, at least I'm doing something on a Saturday night :D

These tweets were honestly so painful. Each and every one hurt me more and more. I had no idea why I kept scrolling. I was already in tears. But I stopped at one last tweet that killed me right then and there. I was speechless and I just threw my head into my pillow. I chucked my phone across my room and I felt out of control. The tweet had read:

Matthew Espinosa @TheMattEspinosa : So excited for MagCon Nebraska! :D

That tweet reminded me of something that hurt way more than any party. I was going to miss out on the best moment of my life.


Thanks so much for reading this! I really like writing this fanfiction! :) I try to update as much as I can so please be patient with me! :)

And for anyone who is dying to know when Matthew actually plays a role in this fanfiction. Well be sure to read the next chapter when it's out! cos you don't want to miss it! ;)

I love you all. Thanks - Jenni . :)

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