Chapter 5 Drunk and Sexy !!!!

Start from the beginning

"where's Angie at?" Asked Ramallo

"she went out with Barry" said violetta

"on a date" asked esmeralda

"no to celebrate " adult stuff" she said

"okay then " said esmeralda

"the food is done hey where is Angie?" Asked Olga

"she went out Olga" I said

"why didn't she tell me when she gets back she is gonna be in big trouble." Said Olga a bit mad

"Olga come on she just went out to have fun with some friends" said violetta

"I remember so many people her age when they said they were going  out to have "fun" they always got drunk and did bad stuff " said Olga

"Olga Angie isn't like that" I said

"you'll see sir you'll see" she said

Olga severed us dinner we all ate. after dinner Violetta went to her room ramallo went home Esmeralda to sleep Olga too and I went to my office and did some work and after a few hours I heard a door nob go off it may be Angie so I went to check it and it was indeed Angie but with someone else some guy with long hair

"hello you must be her brother -in - law she is kinda out of it oh sorry I'm Cisco Ramon" he said

"yeah hey what happen?" I asked

"let's just say she is not a good drinker" he said

"she drank?" I said surprised

"yes she did a bet with one of her friends that she can drink a whole shot but she drank to fast and got kinda drunk or drank to many at this point I don't know" he said

"oh okay then" I said

"where  can I put her ?" He asked

"on the couch don't worry I'll take care of her" I said

"thank you, I have my other friend in the car but way more drunk" he said a bit stressed 

"yeah good luck with that" I said

"thanks I'll need it." He said and left out the door

I went to the kitchen to grab some water and an aspirin she is gonna need it I didn't think Angie ever drank but I guess Olga was right after grabbing the water I sat next to Angie

"hey you okay Angie?" I asked her 

"Huh of course I am sexy."She said I guess she is really drunk then she started to touch my arms

"hey Angie why don't we take you to your room so you can rest and feel better" I said 

"no no I'm fine here mister" she said 

"Angie come on let me take you to your room" I said

"oh is someone getting ahead of them self" she said

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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