The Big Secret

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We got to my house and Ariel hasn't been looking ok all day. I tried asking a million times if she was ok and she kept saying yes but I knew she wasn't and I was going to find out what was making her sad. I talked to her and I said "So I have a friend that's not happy and she told me it's from her boyfri-" then Ariel stopped me and said "I know your talking about me and I'm happy I'm fine and if I was sad it would never be because of you...Babe"  then she smiled. I was happy because now I knew it wasn't me and maybe she's just a little homesick so I told her to stay at my house and I went shopping I bought  lights, a necklace, a phone case, and silly string. When I got home I looked around and didn't see her she was probably in the bathroom. So I went in my room put the lights around my room which took about 10 minutes. Then I wrapped the box with the necklace in it and the phone case. I hid the silly string and I saw Zach walking to our doorstep I looked for Ariel and she was on Twitter and making musicallys in the bathroom so I knocked and she was like "Oh Blake your home" I said "yea for a while and I think Zach is here I saw him walking to our doorstep" then she got scared and we walked to the door I knew something was up. I opened the door and Zach couldn't see me but then Ariel stared at him and asked "why are you here" he said "dang why so harsh.." and Ariel said "what do you want" then I peeked through the crack of the door he had no idea I was home and he was staring at her in the eyes. Zach said "Sorry" and then I was really confused and Ariel looked at me quickly and said "Za-" and he cut her off he said "I'm seriously sorry about last ni-" then Ariel yelled "ZACH BLAKE IS RIGHT HERE" and I got mad cause something happened between those two and Zach said Blake wait I ran into my room slammed the door and I layed in my bed and tweeted "Man sometimes you can't trust people" and I threw my phone and Ariel opened the door. She said "Blake.. I'm sorry" the she looked at the lights "you have lights around your room" then I said "yea it was for you and I was supposed to give you presents to but maybe you don't deserve them" Ariel started crying and said "I should've told you sooner but....last night Zach tried kissing me but I pushed him away" I said "why didn't you tell me earlier, just open your presents I'm not even going to argue with you" and she opened it she was so happy when she got the necklace and i stared at her and smiled a little but I didn't want to I was so mad why didn't she tell me how can you keep a secret like that from ME especially me.... Ariel said "Blake" and she stared at me and kissed me then I stared at her and said "did you actually push him away" she said yes so I said I forgive you, now kiss me and we kissed. 
I'm so happy Blake forgave me but I had to leave soon and go back home, I told Blake...

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