Chapter 2 - The Uncovered truth

Start from the beginning

All Finley's anger exploded at once and she swung viciously at him with the knife. She was vaguely aware that Kade had begun getting to his feet. But she didn't need the help. She plunged the dagger into his chest and he screamed loudly. A wicked grin spread across her face.  She wanted him to feel the pain that her brother had endured before his death. He needed to pay. She grabbed a nearby broom whacking him across the face before pushing it through his lifeless chest, impaling him. She yelled as she did it, all of her own pain and sorrow getting released. She watched him die, surprise and fear in his eyes as he left the world forever.

Finley rose to her feet taking a deep breath to regain her composure before she turned on Kade. "What the hell are you doing here?"

He was looking past her at the body of the vampire, complete and utter shock on his face. She'd never seen him so confused before. "What am I doing? What are you doing? You just killed someone!" He shouted.

"As if he hadn't killed a million people before. He deserved everything he got," she said sternly.

The door opened again and to Finley's annoyance Tate and Harley entered. She didn't want to deal with their lectures. Especially not after she'd just found out that her brother had died a slow and painful death. They both took in the scene in front of them looking between Kade and her. She sighed ready for the screaming to begin. "What the hell is going on in here Finley?" Tate said, the anger evident in his tone.

She crossed her arms over her chest defiantly. "Just doing my job Tate." She could hear the coldness in her own voice as she spoke and she barely recognized it.

"I told you to find us first. We didn't know where you were." His voice was rising louder and disappointment was written across his face.  Harley grabbed his arm gently before mumbling that she would handle it. She walked over to where Finley and Kade were standing. "Alright, first of all, maybe you'd like to introduce us to your friend Finley."

Finley glanced over at Kade, noting that his bad boy facade was back. He was leaning casually against the wall, his face only slightly flushed from the smack. She sighed, "This is Kade, we go to school together and we're not friends."

Finley waited patiently in Tate's office. Her eyes danced over the huge wooden bookshelf full to the brim with various titles. They'd returned to the house after dropping Kade off. They'd made up some story about why they had been there and what had happened but Finley knew that Kade didn't buy it. Now she awaited Tate's wrath alone. She knew he was mad. She had never seen him so angry at her before. Her anger had long died off and the reality of what she had done was starting to sink in. She'd lost all of her patience and gone rogue. Despite what the vampire had done, she knew that her actions were just as bad. She let her anger over come her and now she was going to pay the price.

The door to the office opened and Tate walked in, his head hunched over in thought. He didn't utter a word as he entered and that only made Finley more anxious. She would have preferred him to yell at her. Tate was in what Finley called his 'scary quiet' stage. It was when he was the most terrifying. He would talk to her in complete calmness, disappointment radiating from him. It was worse than his anger. He sat down on the other side of the huge desk, fumbling with a stack of papers that were strewn across it. His eyes met hers and she swallowed nervously.

His brown eyes held her gaze for what felt like forever and then the lecture began. He sighed, "Finley, I need to know exactly what happened?"

Finley glanced around the room, looking anywhere except at his disapproving gaze. Her hands knotted together in her lap as her mind recited the events of the night, "I ran into Kade while I was searching the room. We talked briefly before I spotted the vampire and told him I had to go. I was just going to get close enough to the vampire that I could over hear him. But he wasn't talking to anyone and so I made a decision and decided to take him down. I swear I looked for you in the crowd, but I couldn't find you anywhere."

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