Kaiden now annoyed, looks inside the car, "Wait here. This shouldn't take more than 20 minutes."

We walk in painfully uncomfortable silence. Once we reach the front doors of the building he grabs my elbow and pulls us to a stop. "No funny business. We walk in, get your stuff, get out. Understood?"

I look up only to shoot daggers at him. "Yes Fido. Understood." I release my elbow for his grasp and walk in.

I don't see Hugh which makes me sad, but that's alright. I make a mental note to ask the receptionist to leave a goodbye note from me to Hugh. I walk into the elevator not caring if Kaiden was behind me or not, and push the button for the tenth floor

Just as the elevator doors begin to close, Kaiden skillfully slides in and I scowl.

It was the longest elevator ride of my life. If I thought sitting in the car was bad, at least we had the windows down. Here his smell swirled around, making me dizzy. Literally.

While reaching for the support bar I stumble oh-so gracefully onto Kaiden. Who catches me.

Of course.

He looks down at me and his gaze softens, and I can see the emotions swirling in his eyes. Adoration, desire...Oh God, he's beautiful.

Time in the elevator seems to stop as that pesky curl gets loose once more falling right above his eyebrow.

Don't do it. Amelia, don't do it! Don't-

I do it.

I reach up and push it back into place. My hand lingering in his hair a moment longer than normal, before moving down to his face. All sense of reason and judgement failing me at this point.

His eyes close and he brings me in closer breathing in deeply as the tips of my finger graze along the side of his smooth, angular face.

Amelia stop that this instant! Don't!! What the hell are you doing???

But I didn't listen to myself because when do I ever?

He opens his eyes again when my fingers graze along his perfectly sculpted jawline. I suck in a breath when I see his eyes are the color of night. Hehehehe...that's hot..

He lets out a low growl, and brings his face down loser to mine, angling it ever so slightly.

I really should stop... But I really don't want to.

He moves one hand to cup the back of my head and I can feel his breath mingling with mine as he moves our heads closer, and I resist the urge to push up and connect our lips. I whimper when he moves his lips away trailing ever so softly down the side of my face to my neck. I shiver and my legs grow weak when he places a ghost of a kiss upon the crook of my neck. His lips softer than the first snow of winter. Softer than clouds. I reach up and tangle my hand through is curls and give a tug. He lets out an oh so sexy growl that makes me shiver in his arms.

He trails his lips back up, and to my unwilling delight, he starts lowering his mouth onto mine.

Less that a breath away from feeling those soft full lips-


Ahh shit!!! DAMN IT.

We literally jump apart and are greeted with a family patiently waiting to get on.

Heat flushes my cheeks and up to my ears. When the parents look to me and Kaiden they give us a knowing smirk, I lose it. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and quickly shuffle out of the elevator mumbling a soft sorry to the waiting family.

I don't even wait to see if Kaiden is behind me as I scurry off towards the direction of my apartment. Oh how could you be so stupid!!! Ignored everything... Look what happened

But is felt so nice... I want more. This thought nags at me and for some reason I find myself agreeing.

I need to go see a doctor.

I mentally kick my self for letting my emotions get to me.

"Amelia!" Ah shit. Keep going, keep going.

Kaiden catches up to me and grabs me by the shoulder to face him. His touch sends shocks up and down making me feel light and airy. "Amelia," I close my eyes and turn my head to the side. I can't look you in the eyes...Lord knows my resolve will break. He sighs, "Amelia listen. What happened in the elevator-"

"Will never happen again."

He rolled his eyes. "No, that precisely it. It's going to happen again...And again, and again, and again. Until we die. There are things you need to understand about my kind."

I look to him then. His eyes are back to the luscious golden amber. "Your kidding right?" I move away from him and trudge angrily to my apartment. While I struggle for the keys he reclines on the wall next to me.

"Amelia, you'll understand one day. And when you do-"

I get the door to my place open, "And when I do what, Kaiden? Are you going to release me? Are you going to let me come back home? Because if that's the case, then I'll make myself understand real quick. What happened in the elevator was a mistake." I rush into my apartment make a beeline for my room and slam the door behind me.

All if a sudden I'm hit with a wave of nausea. "Oh shit.." I stumble for my bed but miss and sink to the floor. "What the hell?.."

It feels as if someone is pounding onto my brain with a sledgehammer. My whole body is losing feeling.

Get Kaiden! You need Kaiden! Repeats in my head as the pain starts to subside and pick up over and over. I call out for Kaiden. Why was that my first reaction? I will never know.

Kaiden comes into the room, analyzes my state and rubs his hands along his face. Don't worry dick-ass take your sweet fucking time. I'm not in pain or anything.. "Amelia, I'm sorry this is my fault." He crouches down beside me, "You need to open up your mind to me. I can't help you if you don't open up your mind." He rubs my back and I feel immediate release and comfort. He senses this. "That's right, now I need for you to relax on your own so you can let me in. I know you don't want to but it's the only way I can help."

He removes his hand and the pain returns. Not as bad as before, but it doesn't make it any less unpleasant. Let him in, let him in....let him in? What the? Why should I... I don't.. I barely know him. "No, no, no. Amelia don't question it just do it." I feel his hands on my cheek and I relax instantly.

Let him in. Open your mind. Let Kaiden in. Then, as if a switch went off in my head, my voice turns into Kaiden voice... In my fucking head. In. My. Head.

Atta girl, Amelia, you did it. Now just let me help you. And most importantly...let me explain.

My eyes, which had been sealed shut, flew open and I stared at this lovely beast next to me. "C-call me crazy...b-b-but I swear I can hear your voice in my head."

Then I pass out.

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