Day 1

11 3 1

((I'm just gonna skip the car ride bcuz nothing happened))
Around 3:30-ish we got to the beach house and I immediately​ unpacked everything. Then, we rented a golf cart! It was my first time riding in one and I was so excited! >:P We ended up getting lost tho.. But we found our way back home! When we got home, me and my grandma walked on the beach to look for seashells. I found a whole sand dollar, too! But then the tide came up when I was about to grab it, so I squished into the ground and it broke in half ;-; After a couple of hours at the beach, we went inside and got settled down, and ppl started to come over so I hide in my room. I wanted to work on my social anxiety, but I couldn't really bring myself to go out there... Anyway! I ended up falling asleep while reading around 8 or 9-ish.

 Anyway! I ended up falling asleep while reading around 8 or 9-ish

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The pic at the very top is the view of the house since my 'room' is on a balcony :P

-Andy ;v;

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