Chapter Thirty - The End.

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(Disclaimer: this story and its characters belong to J.K.Rowling.)

Song: Intertwined by Dodie.

Please, please make sure you listen to this song while reading this chapter.

- R xx.

Harry woke to the sound of a scream. It was so startling, so terrifying, that it nearly sent him tumbling off the bed.

He recognized that shrieking voice.

"I think I'm going to faint." gasped the speaker, shrilly. Pansy Parkinson stood in the doorway- or rather, leant in it, using the frame to support her, as she fanned her face hysterically, "Oh my Lord."

Harry could only stare at her. He propped himself up slightly, vision spinning and blurring until finally coming to a rest once more. Horror stabbed at his mind sharply, as his exhausted brain tried to completely comprehend what was happening.

Beside him, Draco had already sat up, on the edge of the bed, sheets curled around his waist and conveniently covering anything. He looked as if he was barely managing to hold onto his last shred of sanity as he glared at Pansy with murder in his eyes.
"Pansy, I swear to Merlin, if you don't-"

Pansy gave another high-pitched whine of disbelief, and covered her face with her hands; despite the fact that anyone could obviously see her peeking through her fingers.
"Did you drug him? Did you use the Imperious Curse? Were you both drunk?"

"No!" Draco snapped, and stood, expertly pulling on a pair of grey joggers underneath his sheet, before turning to face her, arms folded, "And we weren't drunk."

Harry's cheeks were heating more and more rapidly by the second. He still felt so tired, his brain weighing his head back down onto the pillow, but he turned his neck to watch the scene play out, still feeling vaguely petrified.

"Are you-" Pansy didn't seem to be able to get the words out, her eyes wide, "Are you two...together?"

Harry noticed Draco glance back at him briefly, and after a pause of thought, Harry nodded at him, smiling faintly.

"Yes. I'm answering your questions, but do not expect to keep your memory of this much longer." Draco said coolly, retrieving his wand from his desk, and turning it in his hand.

Pansy didn't seem to notice this threat- no, instead, she put her hands to her cheeks, breathing heavily,
"You hate each other. You've never even- how could you- my life is a lie."

"Don't be ridiculous." Draco snarled, looking impatient, and highly exasperated, "This isn't even anything to do with you, why are you acting like you don't have a mental filter?"

"I just walked in on you two-" she gestured wildly, "in a bed. With no clothes on. I'm scarred."

"Merlin, you're melodramatic." Draco shook his head, and grabbed her arm pulling her further into the room, and slamming the door behind her. Harry assumed that was so no one else could wander in.

"When did this even happen? Or did you just lose your minds and randomly become gay for each other?" Pansy asked, calming down a bit. But her eyes were now narrowed, and her brows were raised.

"You don't just 'become' gay." Draco muttered, "Besides, it just happened. We've spent a lot of time with each other recently."

"Well, it's obvious you're gay, Draco." Pansy answered curtly, fixing her stare on Harry, "I meant Potter. He could probably get with anyone in the world, and he chose his
nemesis. Kid's got some problems."

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