Chapter Seventeen.

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(Disclaimer: this story and its characters belong to J.K.Rowling.)

Song: Say Something - A Great Big World.

Thank you so much for all the comments on the notification I posted. It really helped me. I have a vague idea about what I'm going to do now. I really appreciate everything you said.

You were all so nice and wonderful and I love you all.

And because of that, I power wrote, and finished the next chapter.

So, this one is dedicated to whichever reader contacted me on my insta and was basically an absolute angel tbh.


- R xxx

Draco regretted ever becoming Pansy Parkinson's 'friend'.

The moment they had left the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, and he had told Pansy about the promise they had made to be nice to eachother, she had turned on him, and started to hammer at him with questions.

Is that why he defended Harry? Why did he promise? Didn't he care about his family's reputations? Did he even like Potter? Why did he keep staring at him? Did he...(*insert a noticibale pause from Pansy*)...have a crush on him?

"I mean, it's okay if you do," Pansy had said briskly when he had started protesting, frowning at him, "Not as if I'd mind, or that it'd be particularly surprising, but-"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Draco snapped immediately, temper flaring up at once. Pansy was just being delusional now. "What are you trying to say?"

"Draco, darling, I mean- look at me, for example. I'm stunning, obviously. And you've never even paid attention to that fact." Pansy said brightly, blinking at him.

Draco had stared at her for a full minute, waiting for her to tell him that she was joking, but no such luck.

Eventually, he had given up, and sighed, replying,
"That doesn't mean I'm- I don't like Potter, okay! That's completely ridiculous and also mildly disgusting."
"Whatever you say, Draco." Pansy smiled, clearly patronizing him.

Draco had ended up storming out of the Slytherin common room. He just didn't get girls- why on earth would anyone think that- well, it didn't matter.

But he had met Potter in the corridor.

And Draco had been nice.

Draco wasn't sure if he'd ever been this happy. That soaring feeling in his chest- it felt as if there was a Phoenix wrapped in his ribcage, warming his heart with fire. Somehow, he just couldn't take a smile off his face.

It all seemed strange. Odd. A dark part of him, felt like this was wrong, that he was dishonouring his family name, but the other part of him was just so- well, he didn't know. But it was a good feeling.

Now, as he lay in bed, listening to the silence of the early morning, he thought about the Defence Against the Dark Arts practise they were to have after lessons today.

When Draco had agreed to it, he had been surprised that Potter had suggested the idea in the first place. Now, when he really thought about it, he wasn't sure how to go about it. Last time they had dueled, Potter tired so easily, and seemed so fragile. And, Draco himself had been in a bad mood. He had even thrown a book at the other boy.

Draco was half tempted to ask Pansy for tips on how to duel in a friendly way, but he really didn't want to damage his already wounded pride.

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