The popular couple in town

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I woke up Wednesday morning and I went to school, every body talked about Lindy and Scott. I was not paying attention to what people said because I didn't know them and I just kept quiet the whole day at school. When I got home I went out to have fresh air. I ended up visiting the next door house because Mrs smith was asking me non stop questions about cakes so I needed to help her or she was never gonna stop.


"Hello young lady your mother told me that you are good at baking" she said

"yes"I agreed

"can you help me bake cakes for my social gathering part? you are invited if you want to come"she offered

"yes I can help with the cakes but I don't think I can come to the party"I said

"why? "she asked

"because I don't think I am a social gathering person and I don't want to be around old people" I explained

"do I look old to you? " she widened her eyes. She asked

"no mam you don't " I shook my head

"come to the party and have some fun" she insisted

"mam I don't want to embarrass my self, I mean you obviously have friends at your status and I know they are coming"I stated

"so? " widening her eyes

"I can't come " I insisted

"okay, have it your way" she gave up

We backed five cakes as we were about to clean up the mess Scott came in with lindy

"mom what are you doing? "Scott asked in shock

"good afternoon kate" lindy greeted

"lindy can I talk to my son? Please" she asked with a fake smile

Lindy went to Scott's room

"what does it look like I'm doing to you? " she asked

" baking cakes with KIARA" Scott answers

"how many times I told you not to bring that girl in my house? "she asked angrily

"I have a project to do with her so I brought her here so we can work on our project and she is my girl friend we need to... "score was interrupted by his mother

"I am having a social gathering today and you will attend it, are we clear? " serious

"yes mom I'll be there"giving up

" and you too KIARA no standards or buts "she commanded

I had no choice but to agree with, I was gonna get bored at home any way



I got in to my pink dress with white polka dots on it and a white ribbon on the left side and my black flat shoes and I went to Mrs smiths house I think I was a bit late


I walked in the room and I saw everybody looking back and I sat down quietly and fast because I thought they were expecting someone important few minutes later no body came and a thought crossed my mind

Scott's POV

Who I saw KIARA I was amazed by her beauty I didn't say anything to her because lindy would have killed me ass. I just sat down and watched her as she was mingling with moms friends, I knew she was doing it to make mom happy and probably getting to know people because she was knew in town. Lindy kept nagging me to go with her to the park which I didn't want to so I ended up kissing her to shut up

Thanks a mill

I can't be in love!!! Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora