Wake Up Call

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This morning I felt like a zombie, that dream had me all all night thinking. "Doves, Lakes, Thunderstorms" all of these things have meaning behind it. But what? "Amara you barely even touched your breakfast, you feeling alright?"  "I just didn't get much sleep last night." "Why what's wrong?" ".... I've been having these dreams." "What kind of dreams?" "It's hard to explain them. All I know is their very vivid and intense." "Oh shit." "What Conya?" "... You remember how mama always said to you that your were the special one in the family." "Yeah why?" "Well let's just say she wasn't lying. Amara when you was little you've always sensed things through vibes, energy... Even your dreams." "This sounds like some telepathic shit." "... It's telekinesis, get it straight." I said as she shrugged. "I remember years ago... A couple of weeks after grandma died, you told Mommy you saw a angel." "That's crazy." I don't remember that." "Of course you don't you were only three at the time."  " All I know these couple of nights I've been having these dreams" "Dreams of what?" she asked while munching on her bacon and pancakes.  "I'll be somewhere then, I'll appear outside where there's nothing but land and the sky." "Like a meadow?" asked Bella. "Yeah, everything's peaceful until I see this dove." "What about the dove?" "It's something about it I can't put my finger on, but when it does appear in my dreams it's always there." "You see, you listening to too many Prince songs now it's mentally messing with you" Bella smirked. "Come on Bella seriously, these dreams symbolizes something." "Amara doves symbolize purity and from what I hear." "Yeah doves are suppose to be calming." "Here, I pulled up this dream site, check for yourself." she said as I sipped on my orange juice. Bella came around the counter with her cup of coffee and began typing. "What it do? The dove?" "It flies, but this time it came to me and I held and pet it." "Okaaaay. Boom, I found it."


To see a dove in your dream symbolizes peace, tranquility, harmony, affection and innocence. In particular, to see a white dove in your dream represents loyalty, love, simplicity, gentleness and friendships. It may also signify a message and blessing from the Holy Spirit. You have let go of your thoughts of hate and revenge. If you dream that Jesus releases a white dove, then it refers to spreading the word of God.

To dream that doves are mating and building a nest symbolize a joyous home life filled with love, tranquility, pleasure and security.

To see a dove fly away in your dream suggests that someone you love has passed away.

"Well that's not too bad, besides losing a loved one." "... What about thunderstorms?" "That happened in the dream too?" "The lightning, when I watching, the bolts were going crazy like I never seen before, it was kind of strange."
"Lightning, lightening... Found it."

"To see lightning in your dream signifies sudden awareness, insight, spiritual revelation, truth and purification. Alternatively, lightning implies a shocking turn of events. There are many forces governing your life that may be beyond your control and even destructive.

To dream that you are struck by lightning symbolizes irreversible changes occurring in your life. You are undergoing a permanent transformation."

"See? That's spirits tryna tell you something. What? I don't know, but they are reaching out to you." "This shit is freaking me out." "Bella it's nothing to be scared about, spirits are protective it's demons you should be worried about." I said. "So you know about it?" "I mean I did my research here and there, all I know is you have to observe things like numerals, things around you mostly. It's all about what you feel." "That explains why you have all them crystals and all the sage and incense you burn."

my bedroom I was getting ready and I felt the tight sensation in my chest again, all of a sudden everything got blurry and I collapsed, I felt weak and I couldn't move. Soon after I heard Conya run in after she heard the loud thump that came from my bedroom. "Oh my god Amara! That's it your going to the hospital now, BELLA!" she shouted, at this point I was too weak to argue my way out of this, now I was getting fed up with these episodes and wanted to know what was going on with met, once I was able to get on my feet and stand on my own Bella and Conya helped me to the car and we drove to emergency

Once we got there, Conya got the sign in sheet from the receptionist, wrote everything down and the reason why I was here. We were sitting there waiting and waiting a hours for someone to check me out, Conya's patience were thinning. "WHAT THE FUCK IS TAKING THEM SO LONG!" "Relax Connie please" "No if this was a life and death situation, you'd probably be dead because of this slow ass emergency room" she complained. "Conya please" I begged, "I'm sorry, I just wanna know if your alright I don't anything to happen to you I'll die if anything happens to you. You, Bella, and Mom are all I got left in my life" "I know" I smiled, "Dude, they don't have nothing in them vending machines, not even peanuts with salt I guess these cereal bars, kettle chips, and water will do" Bella said while struggling to hold the load of junk food she got. "Bella, we're in a hospital not a all you can eat buffet" "Oh yeah remind me to steal a box of gloves and condoms if they have any-" "Bella.......... What is wrong with you Bella?" "Hey!, I'm not leaving without taking some freebies, got it?" Even though I was suppose to be in a serious mood cause I was sitting in emergency, all I could do is laugh. I swear Isabella was a mess, "Where are you gonna put all of this stuff?" "In the trunk of the car, and for the contained lotions and soaps they'll go in my purse" "Goodbye Bella I can't with you anymore" Conya giggled, I was glad to see her finally smiling, soon after a nurse called my name, Conya  helped me out my seat while Bella was preparing to take her emergency souvenirs. "So what brings you here Ms. Goldstein? "I've been having these chest pains and-  "She's on the verge of passing out, she collapsed in her bedroom getting ready for school" Conya told the nurse. "Alright and how long have you been having these episodes with your chest Ms. Goldstein?" I didn't want to tell them how long I've been having these pains but....... What the hell it was gonna come out sooner or later, "I've been having these pains since last month but I figured it was nothing" "Why didn't you say anything Amara!?" That's something serious if your having chest pains often like that" "Look, I didn't want anyone worrying about nothing- "That is something, that could be your heart doing this to you!" "She's right Ms. Goldstein, sometimes our hearts are informing us that it needs special attention or something is wrong, have you experienced nausea, vomiting,  jitters, feeling lightheaded, tiredness, weakness", and all my answers were yes except for vomiting and nausea. "Dizziness, shortness of breath?" "Yes" "From scale 1-10 how bad is the pain in your chest when you have theses episodes?" "I would say there from 7-9" I told her. "Alright, where gonna take your pressure, temperature, what's your height and weight?" "I'm 5'3 and 130 pounds", she wrote everything down on the sheet while the machine was taking my pressure and the thermometer was in my mouth. Once the machine finished taking my pressure a logo popped up on the screen showing how my heart was beating, "Your temperature is 98.7 which is normal, your heartbeat....  it's pretty abnormal Ms. Goldstein from what I'm seeing on the screen, maybe the doctor can identify the problem, okay your all done you young ladies can go back into the waiting room, and the doctor will be with you shortly hope you feel better" said the nurse. We sat in the waiting room, it was total silence, I was too embarrassed to say anything maybe Conya was right I shouldn't have waited so long to say anything but, what's the big deal I'm a healthy girl, I eat right, exercise, I don't smoke, I drink wine from time to time but I thought wine was good for your heart, I'm fine maybe it's just anxiety I have been waiting for the letter for the interview position, it's been on my mind all week, maybe I'm stressing too much but I'm human. "Goldstein", this male doctor shouted out, Conya tried to help me but I gave her the hand gesture to go ahead, I know it was getting under her skin that I was shooing her off but, I meant it with love, I had no idea where Bella disappeared off to but I knew she was around somewhere taking hospital supplies. "Okay ladies have a seat and I'll be with you in a minute he said as he walked out the room. The ghost of silence was still on duty until the doctor came back in, "Hello my name is Dr.  what seems to be the problem today?" "My sister has been having these chest pains and she collapsed today getting ready for school" Conya told the doctor. "Okay and how long you've been having these pains Ms. Goldstein?" "I've been having them since February, the chest pains. I stumbled yesterday and collapsed today" I told him. He looked at his sheet on the clipboard and wrote something down, "Alright we're gonna do some tests and some x-rays.

What y'all think Amara's condition is?

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