"I stepped on a stone one" He said in a whisper. Cap looked down and saw he was right. Fluffy's right foot was pressing down a pressure plate. The hissing noise was coming from right below.

"don't panic" Cap said carefully "stay still and jump when I tell you"

Bajan and Jerome had already made it to the edge and looked back in horror.

"Fluffy!" Jerome yelled. He started to go back out but Bajan grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"It's useless" Bajan said "They'll have to do it on their own. Right now, we have to try and save her" he gestured to Angel who they had set on the ground. They could see the wound better now and it looked like it was starting to get infected. He started working on it as best he could with the limited supplies.

"Cap-" Fluffy started to say, the hissing was getting louder.

"Not now Fluffy" Cap said working on the pressure plate. "Not now"

"but Cap, I need you to tell Quartz-" Fluffy started again.

"SHUT UP FLUFFY! I am trying to save you!" Cap said working faster. "When I saw jump go to the farthest wooden pressure plate you know you can make ok?"  Fluffy nodded.

"Ok" Cap said slowly standing up "Get ready" Fluffy looked around "NOW!" both jumped away from the plate. Fluffy landed and looked over to where he thought Cap landed.

"Keep moving!" Cap screamed as he park cored to the edge. Fluffy ran as fast as he could to the edge. He was just about there when the TNT went off. The shock wave sent him flying into the woods. He heard a ringing sound as he stood up and his vision was fuzzy. He could hear a faint noise besides the ringing.

"Fluffy! Fluffy!" some one was shouting his name. He walked to the edge of what used to be a clearing but was now a smoldering clearing.

"Fluffy!" His hearing was starting to clear up and now at least he could see normally. He turned slowly, too slow, and was tackled by Cap.

"Ow" Fluffy muttered but smiled at him "Thanks for saving me"

"Cap! Fluffy!" Bajan said running over to them. Fluffy pushed Cap off and tried to stand. Fluffy wobbled a bit but was able to stay standing. He smiled.

"Hey" Fluffy said "How is she?" Jerome came over with Sky who was carrying a sleeping Angel. In both senses. Her arm was bandaged and she was peacefully in his arms. It would be hard to believe all she had been through without the bandaged arm and the smoking crater.

"She's doing fine for now. We need to get her back to her parents though" Jerome said looking at her. Sky had a smile on his face as she cuddled up to him.

"That's cute" Cap said "But you're right, we should get her back now"  They set off at as fast a jog as they could.

Herobrine had locked himself Mineral's room, determined to figure out what happened.

Some one couldn't have just come in here and taken them while getting out before anyone saw Herobrine thought They must have disguised themselves somehow. The easiest way would be with the guards. Herobrine stood up and walked out the door down to the guards office. Brandon was sitting behind his desk looking at some papers. When Herobrine walked in he quickly shoved them back in the folder and put it in one of the drawers on his desk.

"Hello Herobrine, How may I help you?" Brandon asked. Herobrine stalked over and put his hands on the desk.

"One of your guards was responsible for the kidnappings" Herobrine said shortly. Brandon started looking nervous.

"H-how'd you get to that conclusion?" He asked with a stressed smile. Herobrine looked at him without emotion.

:You already knew. And you didn't tell me" Herobrine said expressionless. "You are lucky I still need you. Now, where is the treacherous guard?"

Brandon gulped but stood up and walked towards the door to the holding cells.

"She's in here. Please follow me" Brandon said and lead the way to Mandy's cell. She was still sitting and reading the magazine but her bandage had been taken off.

"Hey Bra-" She stopped mid sentence as she looked up and saw Herobrine. She shot a terrified look at Brandon.

"B-but you promised" She said staring at him in shock. Brandon shook his head.

"I didn't tell him though, he figured it out" Brandon said "I kept my promise"

Herobrine walked up to the bars and looked in at her before walking to the door. Mandy cowered into the corner as Herobrine opened the door.

"P=please don't kill me" Mandy pleaded. Herobrine smirked and walked towards her.

"I wont" He said and she relaxed a bit "yet" Mandy stared at him in terror.

"W-what do you want to know?" She asked sitting up straight.

"Who organized the kidnapping?" Herobrine asked. Mandy looked at Brandon. She was just about to answer when another guard burst in.

"Sir, Oh. I am sorry" He said bowing when he saw Herobrine "Am I interrupting?"  Herobrine glared at him.

"Yes, but what did you have to say?" Brandon asked

"They're back" The guard said happily "And they have one of the missing kids with them" Herobrine stared at the guard.

"Where are they?" He asked coming out of the cell, closing the door behind him.

"They're in the medical wing right now. They came in Pretty beaten up" The guard said but Herobrine was already rushing to the hospital. He burst through the doors and saw Sky and Fluffy sitting on a bed waiting. He rushed over to them.

"Who was it?" He asked as he came up. Sky smiled at him.

"She's three beds down, sleeping" He said pointing to a screened bed.

Herobrine rushed over and pulled the curtains back to see Angel laying on the bed. Briar was already there sitting next to the side crying. Herobrine went over and sat next to her. He got his first real look at her condition and rage started to build in his chest. The long gash on her arm was bandaged and she was thinner than she should have been. Her face was also bruised. Herobrine put an arm around Briar gently. Angel shifted in the bed and her shoulder poked out from under the covers.

"What's that?" Sky asked coming in through the curtain. He was followed by the others who had just heard and rushed in.

"I don't know" Herobrine said and gently pulled the cover and her shirt down just enough to see what it was. A gasp sounded from the group. Herobrine's anger reached the boiling point. Brandon watched from the way back.

"They didn't" Jonas said from the back. Herobrine let his arm fall to his side before pushing through the crowd and leaving the wing. Steve stepped forward and pulled it down again.

"They did, she's been branded" Steve said sounding angry. Brandon walked silently out of the room with no one noticing.


A/N Are you proud of me Mom? Wait, I shouldn't ask that, my mom actually reads this. Anyways! How'd you guys like that? Good? Maybe? I'll take that. Anyways! I'm going to be holding......... wait for it...... A character contest! :D what I need from you guys is

Name of character;



Gender: (Girl/ guy)

Hybrid or not:

Love interest: (Optional)

Other: (pet or friend with you)

Have fun! I'll be picking three or Four characters, feel free to add more if you want.

Shout out (I haven't forgotten) Goes to @doctortardis. Yep. So, until next time

SEE YA Foxes!

The Troubles of Herobrine's ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now