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i wanted to make this even more like describes than it was, but this is what i could write rn and I'll say it again, it will get ALOOOT better!!!*


"..I'm not right. I..or we, just blew up a hospital for gods sake" His voice shakes uncontrollably and his chest raises up and down and he tries to take control of his tears that I feel will soon appear.
His words seem serious and it's weird for me too feel like he understands his mental issues (if he does),  cause a "well" mentally unstable person would get help and not just sit around and just keep doing all these things that fucks your head up even more than it already is.

The silence hisses in my ears and I feel stressed to say something, just anything to show that I listened to his little speech.
"I unders-"
"No you don't! Stop fucking being such a try-hard all the time, you don't know half the stuff about me!" Jason yells and his voice echoes and bounces on every wall around us.
"I'm really trying to understand you here, and it's not easy when you go against every little thing I say." I spoke.
"Trying isn't going to work here *yn*"
"What do you want me to do then?"
"Just fuck off, I don't need you." He spits on the ground and then kicks a small rock, and it bounces on the wall.

Jason is still standing in the alley with me, with his hands against a wall, putting all his body weight onto it.

I stay quite for a while thinking about what to say, cause I didn't expect that reaction from him, but after all it's McCann so what could I possibly do about it? It's impossible to take control of him, he has his own ways and he does what he wants, not giving two shits about anyone
I'm smart enough to understand that any criminal on his level would be grieved after everything he's gone through, and that could result a sick, "disease" like mentality, but he's just confusing and so double standardized sometimes.

"No wonder you don't have a family?" I snap back at him.
"What are you talking about?" He frowns and looks at me seriously.

I knew exactly what I wanted to say to him, but it felt like a barrier between my words and my mouth. I couldn't throw the words in his face, and tell him that he's sick, or how messed up he is on so many levels. Jason would probably slap me across the face for telling him a true statement that he refuses to believe.

I just can't be like this anymore, if I get caught sneaking around with Jason McCann I'm in big trouble.

"You gotta know Jason, that for me too be leaving you is for your own good." I try to sound caring, but still straight on my words. I look down at m fingers, avoiding eye contact.

Jason buries his face in the palms of his two hands, letting out an aggravated groan and then he turns his back against me in response to what I just said.

Nothing I said was right. How could I know what he wanted to hear?

I look up towards the open "roof" of the alley, which walls I'm sitting against. The night sky
seems to turn darker, the stars become brighter in only a matter of seconds, and soon they are to be our only light source it this tight alley.
We stay quite for a while before Jason takes a deep breath, filling his lungs with the dirty almost toxic oxygen that originates from the dumpsters right behind us, and then breathing out again.

"You know what, Jason? Fuck off" I lifted up my middle finger and held it towards him and he chuckled, underestimating my anger and despair.

I stand up and I can feel the blood rushing down through my legs after all this time that I've sat down. I take my steps out on the side walk, and make my way along it. To be honest I didn't know where I was heading, cause this was the wrong direction if I wanted to get home.  I guess anywhere but with him is what I wanted (needed) right now.


She was definitely overreacting and I've never dealt with girls like her before. Normally they just do what I say and that's it. Her feelings seemed to be strong and so did her willingness. She had patience with me, but still wanted it her way.

"You know what, Jason? Fuck off" she interrupted my thoughts and I could hear small rocks scratching against the ground under her shoes as she stood up.
She pointed her middle finger at me, and I could feel myself raging inside. Nobody leaves me in the middle of the shit like this.

I chuckle at her actions thinking how fucking childish she was and how every single piece of trust I had left for her disappeared. If she can walk away on me like this she might as well just go talk to everyone about us fucking around, all the stuff I've done and about me just killing over 1000 adults and children by bombing a hospital.

She walks out on the sidewalk, kicking a few stones while she takes a few steps. She's still in my sight cause she walks slowly probably testing me to see if I'll say something, so if that's what she wants then she gets it.

"*yn* I swear to god I will fucking kill you if yo-"

She stops in a instant and freezes still, "shh" she hushes and puts a finger on her lips.

What she got up her sleeve now?

*yn* tilts her body to the side and to me it seems that she looks around a corner or something.
"What the hells going on now?" I sigh.
She turns her head around towards me and looks at me with big, full eyes as she tilts her body back to normal posture again.

I scrunch my eyebrows together cause she looks terrified, and I don't know what the fuck it is that's going on.

"What?" I mouth out letting no sound leave my mouth, cause I had to admit that she got me a bit shaken up now.

"Police." She mouthed back.

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