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"Brynn! Are you even listening? I was telling you about my new Kylie Jenner lip kit." Said Kalani, also known as the queen bee in our school. I could barely hear her since the cafeteria of this school is so noisy. Kalani is the most popular girl in Lincoln Middle School. She is also known as the prettiest girl in our school and all the boys fall for her. She has long glistening chocolate brown hair that bounces up and down when she walks.

"Ya that's amazing!" I replied and then ate more of my lunch.

"I'm totally jealous. That is FABULOUS!" Chirps Kendall. Kendall is known as the girl who basically follows Kalani around. She's the second most popular girl in the school and is also really pretty. She has straight, hazel brown hair that is also really long and almost goes up to her waist.

There is also me, Brynn. People call me pretty and very intelligent yet not nerdy. That's why the popular girls asked me to join their group. They think I fit perfectly. I was actually their replacement for Paige. Paige was apart of there group last year but she left to Canada and now we won't be able to see her anymore.

The reason why I joined their popular group is because I was tired of being a no one. People thought I was nerdy and they would throw spit balls at me and call me names. Some of them would even prank me and add spicy stuff in my drinks. Overall it wasn't nice and I was tired of that.

The only way that I could fix my problem was by joining the group of the popular girls in this school. So that's what I did. I joined their group.

Well but they had a set of rules in their group. One of them was to break some friendships...

I hope you're interested to know what is going to happen ;)
Sorry this is short but it's just an intro.
Ps: Updates might be slow. I'm still not sure how this is going to work.

xx Mimi

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