Chapter 6: Diva in distress

Start from the beginning

I couldn't believe after we all wrote such good songs, that's how she considered our music.

''I thought we had some pretty good songs,'' Kira said.

''So did I and I wouldn't consider it silly Kylee,'' I tell her with a glare.

''Oh yeah sure,'' Kylee spoke but she sounded more sarcastic than truthful. ''At the time they were great, but hey at some point you gotta grow up.''

'OK someone is just rude'. I thought and Leanne looked angry at the way she was treating us.

I heard a voice behind me and Kira and I were shoved aside as Cassidy Cornall shoved her way to the front and we had to listen to the questions we asked as we couldn't move.

''Cassidy Cornall, Reefside reporter,'' Cassidy began brushing her hair aside. ''Anyway I'm here to do a story on how you went, from struggling nobody to pop superstar.''

''Aren't you kind,'' Kylee says smiling. ''Well you know it all started-.'' She paused as she realised something. ''Oh hold on. Courtney, Kira,'' she shouted and Cassidy turned so Kylee could see us again. ''I'm so sorry. Duty calls, can we catch up later? You're both awesome.''

We all walked away. Right now I felt about three inches tall.

*Back to action*

We were watching as Kylee disappeared back up the stairs and we turned to Conner.

''Well,'' Kira says to him sounding as annoyed as I felt. ''You got to meet the famous superstar.''

''Are you both happy now,'' I said to both him and Leanne.

''Look,'' Conner began and we both turned to look at him. ''If you're mad cause I didn't believe in you and Kylee, I'm sorry.''

''Me too,'' Leanne said looking guilty. I smiled to tell her she was forgiven.

''But come on,'' Conner continued. ''I mean she's so... and you two are so...''

''What?'' Kira demanded from him.

''You want to share that with us Conner?'' I asked feeling a little angry.

''Where what?'' Kira asked again when we got no answer.

''You know what? Forget it,'' I tell him.

''Maybe you're right,'' Kira says shrugging her shoulders. ''Maybe we don't know Kylee after all.''

All of a sudden there was a loud ear piercing scream.

''Huh?'' Conner wonders what that was.

''Come on,'' Kira tells us and we run up the escalator.

We arrive at some double glass doors, that lead to the car park, and we see Kylee cowering away from some sort of donkey monster.

''Get away from me you freaks!'' Kylee yelled at the T-drones and the monster. ''Don't you know who I am?''

''Of course I do,'' the monster says. ''I'm a big fan.''

Kylee moans at the monster. All of us run over to help.

We begin to fight the Tyrannodrones. I kick one in the chest and block a punch from another. Swinging my leg around I drop to the floor and sweep another ones feet out from under it succeeding in sending it to the ground. While fighting I can still hear Kylee screaming. 'Over dramatic much'. I turn to see one of the Tyrannodrones trying to do a surprise attack on me so I do a front flip and kick it backwards. I hear Kylee screaming some more and turn and run over to her at the same time as Kira to defend her from the T-drones.

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