Chapter 2: Day of the dino part 2

Start from the beginning

"Invsi-portals" Tommy confirmed.

"Whatever. Next time, Im calling a cab" the brunette pointed out "What are you guys doing here?" she finally asked.

''We came to rescue you.'' Conner told her.

"Nice job. Way to show up when I don't need you anymore!"

There was another bright green light as the lizards reappeared followed by Zeltraks. "You sure about that?" Connor asked, as he spotted them.

We all fell into fighting stances. Dad stood infront of me and Leanne protectively. ''I see Mesagog found a new goon to do his dirty work.'' My dad said.

"You are not fit to speak my master's name," Zeltrax growled "Come with me peacefully or suffer the consequences."

Me and dad glanced at each other.

''Sorry we're going to have to say no.'' I told him and he growled at me more. He ran forward and raised his axe to strike me but I block it and push him away from me.

I flipped away from him and when I landed I was surrounded by Tyrannodrones. I looked around and jumped up planting kick to their chest one by one till they were all down. When I landed I back flipped away as more came running at me. I aimed a high kick to their heads. Ducking under a punch I turned to see Leanne struggling and I threw my arm out meaning to move them away from her but that is not what happened.

Everyone but my dad gasped as a shield appeared and raised itself infront of Leanne. All of the Tyrannodrones went towards her but they bounced back and went flying. I ran over to her and dropped the shield. Together me and Leanne managed to stop the Tyrannodrones by moving them and blasting them out of our way.

After the battle all of us regrouped with my dad. Standing in fighting stances we watched Zeltrax as my dad spoke. "Make sure you tell your master...Doctor Oliver's back"

"I will inform him that this battle is over," Zeltrax growled "but the war has only just begun!" and he brought his shield up in front of him as he and the Tyrannodrones disappeared in a flash of green light.

"That's the best he could do?" Ethan inquired as they walked back to the Jeep.

I took a deep breath as my head was still spinning a little. Having not used my shield in a while and not meaning to use it the shield was too powerful.

''Let's get out of here.'' My dad says looking at me a little worried. ''It's getting late I don't want your parents to worry.'' He finished.

"I bet you don't," Connor stated "You might have to explain something.''

''I'll fill you in after school tomorrow.'' He promised and the others all got in the car and there wasn't enough room for me.

''Dad I'll head home see you and Leanne there.'' I told him. He nodded.

''Wait how did you do that-'' I cut Kira off.

''Looks like I got two dino powers see you tomorrow.'' I said walking off before they can say anything else.

When dads car is out of site I flame home and go and lay down.

*Back to action*

At school the next day I walk in to dads science class with Kira and straight away Cassidy Cornell comes up to us.

"Kira Ford, Cassidy Cornell; Reefside News Network" the blonde introduced herself swiftly.

"I know who you are Cassidy," Kira growled "We're in Homeroom together.''

Cassidy ignored her "Yes, anyway," she continued "What can you tell me about the mysterious goings-on at Reefside? For example, the sudden friendship between you, Connor McKnight, Ethan James and new kids Courtney and Leanne Oliver who I might add is in the year below you.''

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