(not) quick to trust a soldier;

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|| EDITED ||

Everyone falls in and huddles behind a large brick building, that stands 20-30 feet away from what Rick believes is where the base of operations for Enchantress' freak storm resides in; a barely standing subway station.

Boomerang goes to the front of the group, peering out from behind the wall.

"I've got this" he says as he throws a boomerang in the direction of the lightning.

Looking down at what looks to be a phone on the screen a type of video surveillance from the boomerang he threw begins to play.

It's a live feed that shows a large cloud with lightning flickering inside of it. Enchantress stands at the base of the storm, some concrete soldiers kneel before her.  The other much larger and more dense entity walks around the rooms perimiter, it has a hot orange glow to the inside of it's build, Elara can only guess that that is Enchantress' brother.

"We think that cloud thing is a weapon. " Rick explains.

"Look lower" He orders,

Boomerang zooms in, when the large entity spots the spying weapon and his arm suddenly elongates into a swirl of metal and orange energy, heading directly towards the screen which goes black, destroying it.

He seems friendly. . . not

"Oh crap" Boomerang mumbles. "That was my favourite one"

"We gotta take out the big one" Floyd states, Flag starts to look deep in thought when an idea strikes him.

"I left a big ass demolition charge down in that subway. There's a flooded tunnel, leads right underneath that building. SEALs can recover the charge, swim it underneath that things feet. We'll get in it's face and distract the hell out of that son of a bitch til swimmers can blow the bomb" Rick looks around for nods of approval which he receives,

"That's how we take it out"

With a confirming nod from the Squads members, everyone moves into a builinding that is connected to the main subway station through the railway lines below. Everyone spreads out in the hallway entrance to the railways and begins prepping for their fight.

SEALs gear up with the equipment they need for the dive, while everyone else sharpens or reloads their weaponary.

"Once we're done here, we'll continue on this track so we come up to the main staircase of the subway station rather than walk through the main doors" Rick announces. "That's where I think Enchantress is most likely based."

The SEALs move to the flooded gate of the tunnel that's going to give the Squad a major advantage in the final fight, they emerge into the water following after the Killer Croc himself. Elara looks to her pistol, deciding to leave it behind, thinking it'll probably be useless against Enchantress in terms of freeing June, so she'll stick to her close range weapon, which she is highly more skilled in and she has her abilites back which is another bonus.

Silence is heard throughout the blood and mud stained hallway til Katana begins speaking to her soul-taking sword in a language she doesn't understand.

"The man who killed her husband used that sword" Rick explains, seeing the confusion on the Squads face. "His soul is trapped inside of it. She talks to him"

"Yeah well" Boomerang starts, "you know what they say about the crazy ones"

Harley looks to Boomerang, confused slightly, "huh?" she asks,

"Let's do this" Rick says ignoring Harley.  Everyone follows his orders, Rick leaves last making sure the Squad is all there other than Slipknot and Croc, but as he goes to leave Elara turns to quickly grabs his forearm,

Blood Sacrifice || Rick Flag || {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now