When We Were Young Part 2

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Five Months Later...

"Arm the cannons!" Emma yelled out. She grabbed her telescope and looked behind her. "Queen Anne's Revenge is gaining fast!"

"Delay that order!" Hook screamed. Emma glanced over at him, confusion and fear covering her face. "Lower the sails. Let's try to pick up some wind!"

"Are you daft?" Emma asked, looking over at him. "You are going to get us killed!"

"The Jolly is the fastest ship in all the realms. Do you have such little faith in me, love?"

"Now is not the time to show off your ego. Blackbeard has always been your enemy. Why do you think you should just run from him? Attack him!"

"Emma, you know I have been trying to become a better man ever since you came."

"But when our lives are on the line, you need to follow your instincts. I'm not sure what yours say, but mine tell me that we need to sink that ship!" She turned back to the crew who were working to sturdy the sails. "Load the cannons and fire!" She shouted. The men made their way to the cannons and loaded them. "On my mark, fire." She waited until the ship got close enough before shouting, "now!" All cannons shot at once, all of them hitting Blackbeard's ship. The main mast was hit first, taking down the main sail. Fire soon lit up and smoke poured into the sky. She along with the captain and the other men cheered as the Queen Anne's Revenge sunk. Men jumping overboard, others being tossed into the water.

Hook grabbed onto her arm, dragging her down the ladder and into the Captain's Quarters. Emma didn't say anything as he brought her down. She had gotten used to this. The times when she would take control and he would yell at her, telling her how dangerous her choice was, but then kissing her, telling her how hot it was for her to take control, which would usually end up with sex. She crossed her arms over her chest, watching with a sigh as he locked the hatch above the ladder, indicating that he didn't want to be disturbed.

"Do you understand how risky that was?" He asked, mimicking her position.

"Do you understand that you could have gotten us all killed if we hadn't fired the cannons?" She asked.

"I am the captain of this ship!" He yelled, making her jump. He had never yelled as loud as he just did. Not at her, at least. "Just because you are my girlfriend, does not mean that you can take control all the bloody time!"

"You know what I think? I think that you are too afraid that I'm going to leave you and that you have forgotten who you are. You think that if you change your ways, it will make me like you more, but it doesn't!" Emma stepped up to his and grabbed his right hand with both of hers. She gave it a reassuring squeeze before picking up his hook and bringing it to her lips, kissing the curve of it. "I like all of you. I am a fan of every part of you."

"Emma," he said in a broken whisper. "What are you doing?"

"You have always been the brave and confident one. The captain who wasn't afraid of getting his hands dirty. Why did you bury him?"

"Because Captain Hook- he isn't a man that you should mess with, love. Crossing him is like letting a bat out of hell. He would be the last thing you ever see." Emma tugged his hook closer to her body, running her fingers up and down the metal, encouraging him to say more. "Captain Hook is broken. His hate and anger is what motivates him. He's a villain. Too dangerous. I don't know what I would do if I let myself hurt you." He cupped her cheek and she let her head fall into his hand. "But, I do know one thing. Captain Hook loves you just as much as Killian Jones does."

"Then it's okay to let him out once in a while. You need to be the strong pirate captain you once were. You don't become that pirate captain through mercy. Isn't that what you tell me?"

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