Chapter 10- Grace's POV:

Start from the beginning

We made our way through the forest stopping in front of a large cliff face; Leo walked up to the wall and it began to shift and move, nearly like a doorway and on the inside lay a workshop of sorts with one big difference a giant ship hanging just below the ceiling.

"That Grace is the Argo II," Leo grins.

On the Argo everyone had their own room, well except me and Kasee we had to share but it's cool she's like a sister to me anyway. When we finished personalising our room we were already in the sky so we joined everyone else up on deck.

Kasee walked over to the side of the boat and I chose to climb the rigging. when I was nearly at the top I stopped climbing and leaned back on the rope so it held me like a hammock lying slightly more vertical than normal.

"Hey! That's my spot," Nico shouted from beneath me I simply shrugged and stared at the sky.

Down below music began to play so I craned my neck in the direction of the noise where I saw piper and Kasee on the ground laughing their heads off which confused me a little, Kasee than began to roll to the other side of the boat just below me and beside Nico. She stopped, laying flat on her stomach and made eye contact with me and shouted. "Hey!"

"Hi?" I replied.

"Hoya!" Kasee yelled, causing me to roll my eyes and slide down the rigging.

"No," Nico warily said.

"No its HOYA!" Leo screamed as he started walking over.

"He's weird," Kasee whispered with sarcasm.

"Have you looked in the mirror," he replied. The next song started and Piper pulled Kasee to her feet and started dancing. Kasee did the weirdest dance moves I'd ever seen and that's saying something when your bestfriend is the most embarrassing person in existence well now I'm starting to second guess that, but still.

Kasee sat down when the song went into the second chorus. "And I officially have no dignity," She said.

"Wow," I said with sarcasm.

"Yeah double wow," Nico replied.

"Triple wow," Percy called from the other side of the deck.

"Whatever," Kasee returned to laying on the ground just this time she looked like a starfish with her arms and legs spread out as far as she could make them.

"Hey guys, do you see that?" I say pointing to a place that didn't seem at all normal.

"Yeah, looks like the place where we saw Hecate," Hazel said.

"Should we check it out?" Kasee asked.

"Yeah, but not everyone, maybe I should go and two others," Hazel answered.

"I can go," Leo volunteered.

"I'll go too," Nico said.

"Alright then we'll head off. Be back soon," she said and they left on the back of Festus.

"Where are we?" Kasee and I ask simultaneously

"I think somewhere in Ohio country from the looks of it," Annabeth said.

"Cool, Ohio is really pretty," kasee replied adjusting herself to see over the edge of the boat.

"I'm gonna go sit in my room," I said bored of being social.

"I'll give you company," kasee decided following me. Once we got into our shared room we chatted for awhile about music such as kings of Leon and then demigod stuff before returning to more music.

Twins (Leo Valdez X OC and Nico di  Angelo X OC)Where stories live. Discover now