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savannah's pov

a couple of days quickly past around me. after what happened with jack, i felt as though i was stuck in one spot and everything else was just so able to continue on with their lives.

unexpectedly, there was a knock on the door as i laid on my couch with a big blanket and some soppy, low-budget rom-com film playing on the tv.

going to open the door with the blanket still wrapped around me, i answered it to see johnson, sammy and nate standing there with small smiles on their faces and a bag full of colourful treats.

"hey" sammy said and i simply stood aside to let them in. "where's lauren?".

"out getting a few extra things before her flight tomorrow" i lowly spoke.

silence dawned upon us as i held onto the blanket tighter.

"do you wanna talk about it?" johnson suddenly asked. i shook my head to reply and hugged me tightly instead, making me feel somewhat better.

after sammy complained that he didn't want to sit watching a romance film, but nate argued that he didn't mind and johnson told them that it was my house any ways — we resulted into watching one of the fast and furious films, whilst indulging in the various snacks that they bought.

"i feel like i've lost him forever" i happened to say, my voice almost in a whisper as i stared into a single spot on the ground.

i could feel the guys staring at me and exchanging looks, before the film was paused.

"you haven't lost him" nate responded.

"then prove me wrong, nate!" i abruptly looked up. "tell me what i'm supposed to do to make jack realise that i can't be without him".

i sighed at my heated words, then shook my head.

"i just need to face it" i added. "he's never going to get over what happened and even if he does, at this point, i just know that it won't be the same anymore".

johnson reached over, touching my knee, "you can't think like that, savannah".

i harshly pushed my tears away and groaned, "i'm just so fed up with feeling like this over and over again. it's pathetic that i'm crying over something that is never going to happen".

"it's not pathetic. look, just talk to him" sammy suggested.

"what good does that ever do? yesterday, he never even gave me a chance to" i told, then took my blanket off my shoulders and sat up straight. "you know what? i'm over it".

"really?" johnson questioned, looking at the tissues and chocolates and second-bed that i practically made on the couch.

"yes. i know that i fucked up, but i've said my sorry's — i've begged, i've cried, i've told him that i loved him but nothing seems to work. jack doesn't want to be with me okay, and i can deal with that" i assured them. "...i-i have to".


"i can't believe that i'm leaving already" lauren sighed, staring out of the window as i drove her to heathrow airport. "those five weeks went by so quickly".

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