Suddenly, they all heard groans that made them stop in their tracks. Lucas looked in front of them and saw a few zombies slowly inch across the path as they exited one of the classrooms ahead of the students.

"We can take them out!" Becky whispered with excitement as she raised her weapon.

"No!" Lucas suddenly said in an equal tone as he turned and looked at her. "We're not sure how many there are. There could be more in the classroom; we don't want more than we can handle. We should only attack if they attack first."

"Okay, then," Jerry told him as he crossed his arms, "what do you suggest?"

"We may need to take a detour," Lucas replied as he looked at the doorways next to him. He then found a promising one.

"This is the band room," he said aloud as he turned towards Becky. "Isn't there a door in there that leads to the teachers' lounge?" he then asked her.

"Yeah," she replied with a nod. "From there, it's a quick walk to another doorway to the main entrance."

"Perfect. C'mon, guys! But be careful!"

"I think that's a natural instinct at this point, Harving," Jerry said as he rolled his eyes.

Lucas ignored him as he walked towards the band room door. With his weapon at the ready, he slowly opened the door and looked inside. Unlike the choir room, the band room had chairs and cabinets and all sorts of instruments everywhere that were completely neat and untouched. There were no messages written on the walls, either.

"There's the door, right across from us!" Becky pointed out as she poked through.

Sure enough, a double-door could be seen a good 50 feet ahead of them. From there, it was the teachers' lounge, a quick right, and then the front entrance. Hopefully it could go as simply as Lucas would want it to be...

"Alright," Lucas whispered. "Let's move!"

The loner then walked forwards very slowly and quietly, looking around the room as he did.

"I've never seen this room so empty before," Ned whispered.

"I have," Becky replied. "I'm usually always the first one here for events and stuff."

"Sounds about right," Jerry commented as he glanced around the room. "You always were obsessive of your punctuality."

"Her...what?" Chelsea asked.

"Basically, she always wants to be on time," Ned explained.

"Well, why didn't you just say so?" Chelsea asked her boyfriend.

"I...nevermind. Let's just keep going." He replied

"Hold up," Lucas said as he held his arm up.

"What is it?" Phoebe asked with a gasp.

"Do you guys hear that?" Lucas asked the group.

Everyone paused and stayed quiet, listening.

"I don't think so," Phoebe whispered unsurely.

Lucas continued to stay frozen, listening very carefully.

"Hm... alright. Let's go," he finally told them. 

They kept walking forward, though Lucas was sure to keep a closer eye and ear out for everything.

"Once I'm out of here," Jerry said quietly, "I'm going to get my girl, her parents, and my parents into a minivan and get us all the hell out of this town."

"Hell yes!" Chelsea said with a giant smile.

"Where are you going to get a minivan?" Becky asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2017 ⏰

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