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I am Demgel. Demgel Rose Quartz. I dont tell people my name, at least not normally. Only on certain circumstances will i tell people my name, my code name. Only my parents know my real name, but they are dead. The government killed them in that riot a year ago. Everyone in the riot died. After that everything toke a turn for the worst. The government forced everybody to get a 'special shot'. But not everybody got that shot. Us rebels, we did not get that shot, we rebels all knew what was gonna be the outcome of it. We decided not to get the shot, we already knew, it wasnt a shot. It was a liquid that contained a special chip. The chip was put in the liquid and it was identified as a tracking device, therefore it would be able to track anyone at anytime of day or year or anything. Eventually the government toke complete control and those who question everything and that seem too smart are locked up and tourchered maybe even worse depending on how smart and how many questions they ask, they may be killed. The government is scared. The government is terrified of the people who think outside of the box. Most of us rebels, have something about us that makes the government terrified of us. Wether its our smarts, speed, agility, skills, just about anything. The government is terrified, horrified. They are terrified of us. They think that they have gotten rid of the rebels, but i know somewhere out there in this hell we call 'home' there are more rebels that are just like me or my mom and dad. I dont know any rebels besides myself. But thats fine. Because i will train myself to be a one person army if i need to. Im fine with being alone, after all i do live in an abandoned house with very little supplies. I act like everyone else, but only to blend in. Nobody knows what or who i really am. They all think that im just like them, mind slaves. I dont believe a single word of what they tell anyone or me. Its all lies, they just want us to believe what they say, they act like our friend. But they dont want to be our friend. They ars secretly our mortal enemy. They will gather all the information about us that they can use against us. And just when you think that your personal information is safe, just when you think that youre safe, when you think that they are your friend, they will sneak up on you and stab you in the back and do that multiple times, until you either give and join them or until die. I dont give any information about myself to anyone. I cant aford to let anyone know anything about me, not even my name. I dont have friends, i pull myself away from everyone and anyone, even my own family. I cant trust anyone. Not even a wall, there are cameras all over, always watching us. Im not safe. Nobody is safe, not in this world anymore.

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