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"Do you trust me?"


-Joseph's POV-

"Ugh," I groaned in pain and unconsciously gripped my aching head.

Wait...I'm supposed to be dead, right!? 

Panicking, I open my eyes without many difficulties, hoping everything is just a bad dream. 

I expected to see my plain, white ceiling, but instead I saw a light cyan color ceiling. 

Definitely not mine. 

"Oh! I see you're awake, I was starting to get worried there," A cheery voice said. 

Surprised, I quickly scramble up, from what I assume is a bed and turned to where I heard the voice.  

Standing there by the door of this room was a young woman, maybe in her 20s, with long chocolate brown hair as well for her eyes. 

She also had a small build and a petite face, that screamed 'innocent'

"Are you okay?" She asked me gently in Japanese while laughing at my sudden action.

Unable to form an answer, I just nodded my head.

"What's your name then, little boy?" She asked as she moved from the door and sat on the bed, beside me.

'Little boy...If I'm correct, I'm 16...whatever.'

I stared at her and think about if I can trust her or not.

I was reluctant but gave in. I inwardly sigh and gave her my name.

"Joseph, but you can call me Jose," I answer her in perfect Japanese. 

 "Well, then Jose, my name is Nana Sawada." 

Nana Sawada...that sound familiar. Wait...is'nt that a character in 'Katekyo Hitman Reborn!'!? 

'Shit, I'm fucked.'


Thank you for reading. - 1/7/16

A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter. Next chapter is all about Joseph and yes he can speak Japanese since he a quarter Japanese. 

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