Chapter 1: Hans

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  • Dedicated to HELSA shippers

Her mother wiped the faint sprinkle of snow from Elsa's cheek. "You will have to veil that magic of yours for a little while, dear," she told her.

Elsa innocently nodded. She also wiped her sea blue skirt but this only caused more icy dust. Her mother pressed her lips as the snow spiraled on her gown but she slapped them away though it was hard for the queen as she was pregnant with a child. "Mama, why do we have to go to the Southern Islands?"

"The Southern Isles, dear. You are to be observed by the king."

"What does he want to do with me?"

The queen paused but smiled hesitantly. She straightened the petite blue ribbon on Elsa's bodice but did not answer her question. Elsa, while her mother fixed her dress, tied a blue ribbon on her head. "Dear, would you turn around?" Elsa pirouetted and her mother started to knot her hair into a French-braid while leaving her side bangs over Elsa's big blue eyes.

In the midst of the dressing, someone knocked at the door. "Enter," said the queen

The door opened and out popped the Arendellian king, and his smug smile. "Their Highnesses are requested to be quicker if they don't want to be late," he sang.

"If you wanted us to arrive there early, you would be helping us get dressed. It is a special occasion for Elsa, after all," teased the queen.

A slight chuckle came out of the king's lips. "I'm just saying that the ship has already arrived, the luggage has been placed in their proper places, and you're the only ones who we're waiting for."

Her highness' hand stopped from intertwining the platinum locks of Elsa's hair. The strands then fell apart. Thus, her braid was destroyed. "Now look what you've done! I have to start over Elsa's hair," the queen whined.

"Well, be quick with that. You have fifteen minutes before the voyage." And those were the king's last words before he exited the room.


"Come on, Mama! We're going to be late for our trip," exclaimed Elsa, rushing down hall. The queen followed slowly, careful not to rush. Her swollen belly made it hard for her to run as quick as Elsa.

"Slow down, dear! You don't want to injure yourself."

"What does in-jer mean?" she asked before tripping on the last two steps. The young princess fell on her hands. The queen was swift, but not actually fast, to her daughter's aid. "Are you hurt, love?" But Elsa just rose and continue to run towards the open gates. The queen could only giggle at her daughter's innocence and delight.

Elsa dashed towards the docks and called to her father, "Papa! Papa!" Her father was speaking to his adviser, possibly assigning him to rule the kingdom whilst the family is away, but Elsa did not dare question and think that; she was too excited to mind. It was her first time to ride on a big boat. She was only three at that time.

Once Akthar heard the princess' cries he turned his back on his adviser and greeted Elsa, imitating her cries of joy and lifting her up in the air. "Well, you're here early. And your mother?"

"Present." Arendelle's queen had suddenly appeared behind Elsa, her hands clasped.

Elsa's father nodded to them and some more words were said to his adviser that Elsa could not understand. "Arendelle is in good hands, my king. I assure you that this country will be well," the adviser finally bowed.

The king thanked him turned to Elsa. "Come," he gestured her into the ship. Elsa stroked the ship's mast as she passed by it. This resulted into a very thin layer of frost over the wood but the queen quickly wiped it away with a napkin.

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