Chapter 1

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I was standing against the wall in mine and Kian's new house, lately I've been feeling sick, I've been getting really bad heads and all. So I decided to get a pregnancy test. Me and Kian have tried for a child for a while but unfortunately we haven't had luck. But I hoped this time it had.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the pregnancy test, once I got to the toilet I peed on the test, 3 minutes later I waited anxious to find out. I looked down to where the pregnancy test lay in my hands. Tears formed in my eyes.

I heard knocking on the bathroom door. "Babe, you in there?" I heard Kian asking.

"Kian" I gasped, unlocking the bathroom door and looking down at the floor.

"Babe" Kian asked worriedly.

"I don't want you to hate me" I whispered

"I would never hate you Crystal" he replied.

I looked up at me this eyes for a few minuets. Kian looked me up and down and suddenly his mouth opened. He looked gobsmacked. Momentarily I had forgotten about the pregnancy test lying in my hand. I was getting worried, I met where Kian's eyes were looking. THE PREGNANCY TEST!!!

"Babe what is this?" Kian asked taking the test out of my hand.

"I'm" I mumbled fiddling with my fingers.

"You're" Kian replied

"I'm pregnant" I breathed out

"You're pregnant" Kian asked surprised.

"Yes" I said looking at his as tears filled my eyes.

A smile came to his face. This was the best news. We had been trying for ages and now it was finally happening. I looked to Kian. Both our eyes filled with tears. He looked at the test and back to me.

"Baby I love you so much" he said as the tears spilled from his eyes.

The tears started to role down my cheeks. This was the best thing that could happen to us. Kian pulled me into his hugging me. I smiled as his warm arms wrapped around my shaking body.

"I love you to Kian" I said through tears.

We stood hugging for a good five minuets. It was such a shock after 3 years of trying we were finally found to have a baby. Kian was so happy he couldn't stop smiling.

"What's the lads gonna say" Kian said as we walked down the stairs.

"What's my mom gonna say" I smiled showing my excitement

"What's Jack gonna say" we both said at the same time.

Jack is Kian's manager and body guard. He was protective of Kian but only because he wanted what was best for Kian.

" I'm going to have to phone Perrie and Ella and tell them" I said getting my phone from my bag and ringing Perrie. I put the phone on loud so Kian could hear as well.

"Crystal you okay sis?" Perrie said when she picked up the phone

"Yeah I'm fine sis I have something really great to tell you" I said looking over to Kian

"What is it?" She said. She was nervous you could hear it in her voice.

"Well you know how me and Kian have been trying for a baby for a while" I started I loved building the tension.

"Yeah come on tell me" she said. The tension was killing her.

"I'm pregnant" I practised screamed down the phone.

"OMG really" she said. She sounded happy.

"Really" me and Kian said at the same time. The smile on Kian's face getting bigger.

"Congrats guys" Perrie said then the phone cut off.

She must have been so happy that she pressed the wrong button. Kian smiled and then walked through to the kitchen. I walked through behind him. He lifted me up and sat me on the counter. I smiled as he walked over the fridge. He opened the door and took out two cans of pop.

"You want one babe?" He looked over to me.

"Yeah please." I said as Kian walked back to me.

"What do you think Jack is going to say about this?" I said taking the can from him.

"It doesn't matter what he has to say. All that matters now is you, me and this little un." He replied placing his hand on my stomach.

I smiled and nodded. It was still a shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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