Chapter Thirteen New Threat

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The whole town all jumped in shock from a loud noice going over Storybrooke. Everyone hurried to find out what was the cause of the noise. I followed my friends as we came to a stop - a huge flying machine flew over our heads.

"What in the hell is that?" David questioned.

"It's a dirigible-" a man who came through the portal with Peter and the others answered in shock "From The Land Of Untold Stories"

"What's is doing in our town?" Snow asked him.

"I believe you mean my town" a strange man said as he emerged from the trees; looking up at the flying machine.

"I'm gonna smack that ass hole back through the portal" Peter muttered angrily beside me.

"This is not your town" Snow spat; emphasising 'your'.

"Oh, tell that to the dark one. He gave it to me" he explained calmly "Now if you'll excuse me, I must prepare for my friends arrival" and with that he began to walk away.

"Regina?" Emma spoke.

"Emma" she replied "My evil half is gone. I don't know how strong I am"

"Evil did not make you strong. Let's do this" she told her before turning back to the unusual man "Hey! Muttonchops!" She called.

He stopped immediately with a raised brow, but before he cause reply both Emma and Regina raised their hands and realised their magic causing him to hunch over.

He laughed and moved out the way - their magic did absolutely nothing to affect him.

"A word of advice -" he spoke up "so be carful" he said this to everyone "Nothing more dangerous than an untold story, and the people who don't want them told".

The flying machine began to fly down and crashed somewhere in the forest. As we looked back the man had gone leaving us in utter confusion.

My brother and the others began to walk into the forest to find the machine and I was to until I was pulled back.

"Come on, love leave this to them" Peter told me before leading me in the opposite direction.

"Why do you think Gold just handed this town over to that man - who is that man?" I questioned.

"That man is dangerous, I suggest we stay away" he told me "And I don't know and don't care about why Gold did what he did"

"What wrong with you?" I raised a brow.

"I'm starting to have doubts about moving here" he muttered before walking ahead of me.

After Peter wondered off I decided to find the others. I didn't take long to find them all at the town hall - up to something I guess.

"What you all doing?" I questioned.

"We are about to send Mr Hyde a welcome gift" Emma told me whilst messing with something in her hand.

"Mr Hyde!" I looked over at Regina with the man, who came through the portal, at the front of the building "Why don't you come out and take what you really want? Or shall I deprive you the pleasure you seek and kill him myself?"

Mr Hyde smacked the door open and angrily came out of hiding "Regina" he smiled.

"Here's what's going to happen. Leave town and Jekyll is all yours" she explained.

"The problem is, my work is here - in Storybrooke and it's only just beginning" he told her with his arms crossed "So how about I alter the deal? I take Jekyll and keep Storybrooke and you avoid embarrassing yourself, because while everyone was afraid of the queen you - not quite as much"

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