Chapter Seven Moving On

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A/N. hey little Auras the video above ^^ is something that I've been working on for about three hours!!! This is the trailer to the new book that I am currently writing and that you guys will be able to read very soon. So I hope you like the trailer and also enjoy the chapter and like, comment xxx


I walked slowly behind Jack and his sister. He was telling her about becoming a guardian and how it came about; she told him about her life after his death. However I didn't listen much as my main thoughts were on Peter and where he was at this moment in time. "(Y/N) are you ok?" Jack had turned to face me fully with a worried expression. I didn't answer at first "I'll leave you two to catch up" I finally told him. He didn't protest just nodded. I smiled at him and Grace before leaving them to continue talking.

I have no idea where Peter is but I took a chance and went into the forest; calling his name repeatedly. I found no reply. My hopes dropped like the rain that randomly started to fall. I didn't know it could rain in the underworld. "Peter!" I shouted but once again got no reply. I sighed and slouched down against a tree and leaned my head back to look at the red sky. "No need to shout love" a voice mocked. I looked up to see Peter with a huge grin. I rolled my eyes and looked away in disappointment. "What do you want Pan?" I spat. He shrugged "I want nothing but" he stopped and smirked evilly. I stood up and stared at him in confusion. "I do want revenge for my death and now I know the one who had me killed is here" he stopped and chuckled "I guess I can get what I want". I growled "Go back to your little shop Pan. You won't be finding any revenge here". He scoffed and strolled towards me "You can't protect him" in one swift movement he had me pinned to a tree and stared into me eyes with anger filling his "No one can protect him now". "Leave her alone father" Rumple ordered. Pan chuckled under his breath but pushed himself off me. "Are you alright (Y\N)?" Rumple questioned and lent his hand on my shoulder. I was hesitant in my reply but shove him away from me "No I'm not bloody alright" I shouted at him "I'm sick of everyone asking me if I'm alright" I spat and turned away from him. Pan looked at me in amusement with his stupid smirk on his smug face. "This was a mistake" I said under my breath "Coming down here was a huge mistake and if you think your gonna hurt me, my family, my friends then you are certainly wrong" I pointed at Pan then stormed away; deeper into the woods...

It didn't take long for the tears of frustration to fall down my cheeks. I stopped and slammed my fist into a tree to take away my anger. The tears flowed like a river; crashing to the ground. I screamed out and sobbed into my arm. 'Why is this place making me so weak?' I questioned myself. After a while I calmed down but stayed in the same position until soft wet flakes fell onto me. I slowly looked up - the white haired boy sat on a branch with a pitiful look; dropping the snow flakes onto me. "What are you doing?" I questioned softly. He flew to the ground and didn't reply. He stared at me then suddenly pulled me into his embrace. I didn't try to escape, I let him hug me and I hugged him back. He whispered things in my ear that I didn't quite hear but they were soothing and kind.

I don't know how long we hugged but once we parted he sipped away my tears and kisses my forehead carefully. "I know where Peter is" he whispered. I raised a brow "How?". "When I cane to find you I saw him by the river" he explained "Want me to take you?". I nodded slowly. He smiled slightly and lifted me into his arms and flew me over to the river.

I could here the water flowing before we even reached the river but when we did I saw him. He sat crossed legged on the grass and lent against a tree. Jack smiled once again and flew away. I slowly approach Peter - I didn't say anything I just sat next to him. I got the sudden memory from the time Peter was annoyed at Felix and I comforted him in the tree house. He sighed all of a sudden and tilted his head to look at me. "I'm sorry" I cried quietly. He didn't reply but nodded his head and pulled me into his embrace. "Don't do something like that again" he said sternly. "I promise" I said and clung onto his shirt. We stayed like that for what felt like hours, just watching the water fall down the small falls. However we soon stood and walked hand in hand back to the streets.

Once we arrived back I took Peter to the cafe to find Jack. However he wasn't there so I decided to ask the blind woman who works at the counter. "Sorry Hun" she apologised "He and his sister are leaving". "Leaving?" I questioned in confusion but then it hit me - they were going to moving on...

"Come on!" I shouted as we ran down the many streets. "Don't get your hopes up love. They may have already gone" Peter called back but I was determined to make it before they left. I dashed down into the rocky opening to where the dead move on. "Jack!" I called and there he was - about to cross over. He turned to me with his usual smile; he sister grinned at me too. "Your leaving?!" I questioned as I ran over to him. "My unfinished business is done" he told me and turned to his sister. "And you wasn't even gonna say goodbye" I scoffed jokingly. He chuckled "Didn't want you to be upset" he explained and placed his hand on my cheek. In the corner of my eye I saw Peter glaring at him. Jack didn't care but let his hand drop; lifting it to his mouth his blew frost into it. He held out his hand which revealed a beautiful ice blue heart. "Remember me"  he said and passed me to the necklace. "Never" I told him and took the necklace "It won't melt will it?". He chuckled "Nah its magic". "Jack it's time to go" Grace told him "Thank you for helping me (Y\N)". I nodded "Your welcome". Jack gave me one last smile and turned to stand by his sister. The portal opened and there stood - my parents? "I don't understand" I furrowed my brow. "Your mum is my daughter" Grace smiled back at me. "You won't remember her" my mother told me "She died at a very young age" she then held her hand out for Grave who grabbed it without hesitation and pulled my mum into a tight hug. "You knew?" I questioned Jack. He shrugged "You look just like them. How could I not know" he replied with a smirked and flew over into the portal. They all turned and waved at me; Liam appeared and did the same then the portal closed. Peter came over and took my hand. I laughed at him suddenly. He looked puzzled and raised a brow "What?". "You was jealous of my great uncle" I replied as I laughed. "I was not jealous" he crossed his arms. "Sure you wasn't" I rolled my eyes "You was green with envy". He tilted his head and stared at me with a pout. I gave in a small shove and dashed out of the cave and out into the forest. He followed behind me and laughed. All the stress I felt before was gone and replaced with just happiness as we ran through the forest; chasing each other until we collapsed to the ground gasping for breath. There we lay and looked up at the red sky and allowed the time to fly. Soon we will be home with everyone we love...

A New Beginning Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon