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You walked home, "What a shitty Day.." You mumbled to yourself while walking. 

"You monsters Shouldn't have escaped the goddamn Barrier !"   A shout could be heard in the distance. Personally, You weren't against monsters at all, but you hadn't met one yet so you couldn't say much.  You walked towards where the noise was coming from, "you humans are pathetic.."  Another voice shouted, only it was different. You went from walking to sprinting and soon Stopped at a dark alleyway when you see a Bone fly out of the alleyway.

You walked inside, only to be pushed out off the way by a man, who saved you from a bone. Unfortunately, he got hit. He still had a good enough amount off HP though, which was good.

"Are you Ok, Miss?" He asked, Staring in the direction off the skeleton, who you didn't look at. "I-I'm Fine, What's going on?" 
"It doesn't involve you, Ma'am."  He told you, still not facing you, He suddenly jumped out off the way of a large Laser-Like ray which was extremely close to hitting you, "That could've killed me!" You yelled, taking a small leap back. "Exactly, That's why you should get out, we'll deal with this Freak!" 

Freak?  "Whoever it is, I'm sure they're no freak. " You mumbled, Loud enough for the men to hear. "Miss, You should go." Said one.
"Yeah, Get the fuck out!" Yelled another, who seemed to be less interested.

You stared through the men, "You shouldn't call people Freaks!" You hated the word freak, since you were called it so much at school.  "I'll call people what I want to." The man seemed to become less friendly. Another man, suddenly yelled, "He's gone!"  The man from before looked at you, And bent down to your height.
"Looks like while we had our conversation, He went away."

"I guess he was bored off your crap." You told him, arms crossed.

I don't even know this guy! Why am I backing him up..

"MY CRAP?" He pushed you against a wall, While the others smirked.  "Listen here, Missy. I don't know or care who you are, but I swear to god I'm going to stab the fuck out off you if I ever see you again." You were scared, but tried not to show it. "I'm Also going to call the cops next time I see you." You mumbled, under your breathe.  You struggled to loosen his grip, "U-Um, Can I go now?" You asked.

"No, what fun would that be?" He held a knife in one of his hands.

I shouldn't have pissed him off..

You suddenly regretted what you had said, as his smirk grew. He slowly become to cut your arm slightly, Each time in a different place, Or deepening the cuts he had already made. You winced and began to tear up.  A bunch of bones suddenly flew at the man, causing him to fall over and let you go. You felt a bony hand grab yours and pull you out off the alleyway.

You didn't pay much attention, and stared at the blood dripping down from your arm. You didn't think much off it and brushed it off but looked up to see a skeleton. He was taller than you and had two scars, One Obote his left eye and one under his right. He didn't look too pleased. "Stupid Human, You shouldn't have gotten involved."  The work stupid replayed in your mind for a moment.

"I'm not stupid.." you muttered.
"And, you needed help!"  He stared at you, and then turned to face another direction. "That was a silly idea, You idiot."
"Don't call me names !" You whined slightly.

He sighed and stared at your arm, then grabbed it, trying not to touch the cuts. "C'mon, We'll get you a bandage."


And that, dear reader, is how you met.
I shall make the next chapter either tomorrow or later, So Ye!

Also, I didn't check for any mistakes, So I'm sorry if there are any !

Bye ~

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