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When I went home my mom and dad weren't there so I went up stairs to watch a movie I also put my pajamas on which was my sports bra and shorts. I went down stairs to get popcorn and saw someone I wanted to be the good guy so I tackled he/she to the ground. It was a he and look familiar I notice It was Brody I almost peed my pants I can't believe I just tackled the Brody Helm Everton he was like the. Jock in school. Then he said," Kailyne what are you doing." I just stared at him when  got up and told him why he was here he said nothing. Then mom showed up and I told her why she was her she said.................

Hey guys here's the second chapter I am going to rename the title. The next chapter will be tommarow which is the  eighth of January sry for not making a episode on new year's I was kinda busy .

My Mystery  LoverNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ