Chapter 3

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I went with Tyler and Rick to help them unpack.
"I missed you guys so much," I said.
"We missed you too," Tyler said.
"If Dennis had let us have phones we could have kept in touch." I said.
I sat on Tyler's bed and started crying. He sat down and put his arm around me,
"What's wrong?" He asked.
"I missed my best friend." I stated simply,
"I missed my best friend too," he said.
"I was worried that if I ever saw you again you wouldn't be my best friend anymore."
"We'll always be best friends."
We heard fireworks and ran downstairs and into the garden. We realised it was Tyler's stuff on fire. We tried to run and save some of his stuff.
"Willow, Tyler, say back."
"But my stuff," Tyler complained.
When the fireworks stopped we went to Tyler's bag. I picked up something that was burned around the edges. I instantly knew what it was. I'd hid it in my room at Burnywood so nobody who wanted to get back at Tyler would find it. It was the only birthday card from his Mum. I was seriously annoyed at whoever did this.
"Ty," I said gently and handed him the card, "your card."
He had tears in his eyes. I put my arm around him,
"Come on," I said and guided him upstairs, "wait here, I'll be back in a minute."
He nodded his head. I went downstairs,
"Right, who burned Tyler's stuff?" I said annoyed.
Everyone looked at Carmen. I couldn't believe her, she was still annoyed at Tyler stealing her stuff.
"Are you kidding me! Carmen that was a year ago and at least you got your stuff back! You've burned the only birthday card he got off his Mum!"
I stormed out and went back upstairs to find Tyler in tears.
I gave him a hug and let him cry. Soon, Carmen came in,
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for burning your card."
"Sorry I put glue in your shampoo," Tyler said back.
I'm glad they made up,
"Sorry for shouting at you Carmen."
"Don't worry about it, I deserved it."
I smiled at her and she smiled back.

Life in care [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora