Chapter Three

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Aldona and Azuloas giggled as they walked to the park with Dvesma, they would be starting the Academy in a month's time. Dvesma had almost forgotten about her kidnapping in the past month, even with Sinzia denying the man who did had any ties to their village. So, there wasn't anything the Paslėpta liepsna could do about it, but at the same time Sinzia couldn't make any demands.

Both Limhongia and Sinzia's relations were tense, both countries were keeping an eye on each other, while Sashan and Losrusern had denied entrance for anyone from Apsauga or Kareivis of that village until the tension had passed.

Azuloas wouldn't be surprised if Markuss didn't trust anyone from Losrusern around Dvesma for years to come. Aldona didn't think she would trust anyone from there for the rest of her life, even if she knew it wasn't fair to blame the actions of one man on an entire village. It didn't stop the mistrust from setting in.

Ever since Markuss had smugly told the council that Aldona and Azuloas Vitkus were underneath the Spoku-Acs clan's protection, the number of mobs chasing the two had decreased to almost non-existent.

It didn't stop people from glaring at then, but Azuloas and Aldona found that they were easily ignored. Nor did it stop shop keepers from banning or throwing them out of their stores, not that it matter in the end. Anyuta was an angel that visited their apartment at least once a week with training supplies, food and precooked meals.

Both Azuloas and Aldona were graceful to gave Anyuta, Dainis and Markuss in their lives. Dainis and Markuss had allowed them to join in Dvesma's and Karlis' basic training, in turn, Azuloas and Aldona had taught the two some of their trap making skills and tips on how to make their steps silent.

When Karlis' birthday had arrived, both twins had given him the same thing that they had given Dvesma. Karlis told them that it had helped him stay at the top of his class in the Academy, given his last name and grades meant he had to deal with fangirls.

Karlis had once came home, put his hands on Aldona's and Dvesma's shoulder, making them both swear to the High Lady and Lord that they would never, never, put a boy above their own studies and training. That they would worry more about their training and skills, then their appearance as one girl in his class did.

Someone named Rozamaria, Aldona and Dvesma had swore to do so. But made him promise that he would allow them to meet Rozamaria and that he would befriend her as well. Having someone to train with would help both improve, along with breaking any habits that Karlis might develop if he only trained with Dvesma, Aldona and Azuloas.

When they arrived at the park, Azuloas ran off to the swings. While Aldona and Dvesma made their way to the sand pit, the swing would help Azuloas burn off some of his midday energy and he didn't want to accidently hurt anyone.

It also gave him time to think about how much had changed since he and Aldona were three, when all they had was each other and some Apsauga members for company. Where they knew how long each bruise would heal, missing a meal wasn't uncommon if one of their favourite Apsauga members were sent on long missions and their replacement couldn't be bothered getting them anything.

Now they had Dvesma and Karlis, they had Dainis, Markuss and Anyuta as well as Grandpa. He knew it wasn't a lot of people, but it was more then they had three years ago and that would always make him smile.

Before he could move to maybe joining Dvesma and Aldona in the sand pit or hanging upset down in the monkey bars. Something touched the back of his neck, making him jump off the swings to look behind him.

A small creature was sitting on the swing, their scales were half white, and half black scales and it didn't look like they had any wings. Their right eye was blue, and their left eye was green, almost like him and his sister in the one set of eyes.

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