Chapter Two

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It had been just over two years since Aldona and Azuloas met Nojus and Jadvyga, the two had started training them on their third birthdays. They had convinced Šuo and Kranklys to teach them basic dagger tricks, while Katė had showed them basic footwork for sword-work.

Both Aldona and Azuloas soon worked out the reason behind the 'demon hunts' on their sixth birthday. Along with figuring out what the mark on their wrists meant, now both just covered said mark with a piece of tight material and leather.

Aldona could only giggle as she remembered their last birthday, Kranklys just looked at her as she did so. Azuloas joined her after she whispered the reason she was giggling in his ear; about how funny it would be if they did turn into the demon's they feared they were all along.

The first thing that they worked on; was their stealth. To make their steps silent even as they ran down cobbled streets, to blend into the background and not be seen unless they wanted to be seen by someone.

Azuloas was pleased that the number of mobs chasing them had decreased, meaning they had been trained enough to fool someone with no training in taking in the entirety of their surroundings.

Aldona had started waking up with the sun, not that she minded. Since it meant that she had a bit more reading time than Azuloas did, along with overseeing breakfast and making sure Azuloas didn't consume more salt then needed.

Not that it mattered today, it was the fourth of Gruodžio and that meant it was Dvesma's sixth birthday. Both she and Azuloas had birthday presents for her, Jadvyga and Nojus had helped them make it.

Both claimed that it would help them remember different techniques. So that it was less likely that they would forget them in the middle of a massive battle.

Azuloas had met first Dvesma first, saving her from some of her older bullies. Once he had saved the Spoku-Acs heir, he had dragged her to meet his twin and both had kept an eye on her since then. The three had become fast friends, Dvesma had a habit of hiding behind the two as they walked down the streets.

Aldona and Azuloas had warned her about actively telling anyone about their friendships, neither of them wanted to see her harmed. Some people would harm her, nothing good happened to demon lovers.

Dvesma had agreed to not to actively tell people about it, but she did tell her family and regular babysitter. Dvesma admitted once, that he was her bodyguard since she wasn't strong enough to protect herself.

"Azu, wake up!" Aldona shouted into Azuloas' left ear, causing him to flinch and look at her with large eyes. Before rubbing them and yawning, while messing up his hair before glaring at her for the rude wake-up call.

"Dona, why'd you do that?" Azuloas asked her.

"It's Dvesma's birthday and the council wants us to stay off the main street," Aldona told him before huffing and crossing her arms. "Some country has sent someone to talk to Grandpa."

Stupid council, Aldona knew that they didn't want the village or country to look bad in front of Sinzia's ambassador.

"It's Dvesma's birthday, Dona, we need to get ready," Azuloas told her as he put on a pair of black shorts and a sky-blue shirt. Aldona just grinned as she tugged a navy ankle length dress with elbow length sleeves over her head.

Neither twin liked to wear shoes, so they didn't. Aldona felt more connected with the land beneath her feet, while Azuloas like the feeling of the wind against his ankles and toes. Most of their training happened in their mind spaces, then Aldona would show Azuloas what Jadvyga had taught her, then Azuloas would teach Aldona Nojus' lesson in an unused training field.

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