Chapter 22 - Damn Rita!

Start from the beginning

"Where the hell did you get this?"

"I attended one of your concerts when I was in high school."

"Well as funny as it is, I cannot carry a bag of myself on it. Besides it would attract attention to us."

"I'll carry it then. We're only going to Rita's."

And carry she did...she carried that bag proudly and I found it pretty damn hot for some reason.

We dropped the boys off at each of their friends' houses and headed over to Rita's. As we entered the boutique, Rita closed and locked the door so that it would be more private. Rita was a lovely Spanish woman with a thick accent that made you feel like you were in her home rather than a boutique. She hugged us both and took Isa's hands surveying her beauty.

"Ohhhhhh Isabella you are looking so radient and these babies...these babies they are showing themselves to us."

Isa was blushing which I just find so damn endearing, especially because she is blushing at being pregnant with our bundles.

"Prince you must be so excited! two make such a beautiful couple. Now Isa I understand that you want to maybe make some decisions today. Let's do this!"

I camped out on the sofas and I could hear Rita repeatedly saying to each dress Isabella tried on, "Oh my god Isabella you are just beautiful in that one. You are a stunning girl."

Curiosity began to infiltra...maybe I can take a quick peek. I got up and tip toed so my heels wouldn't make noise. Just as I was at the corner and started to peek, Rita came around the corner with a magazine and whapped my nose like a dog causing me to yelp.

"Damn Rita!"

She whispered scolding me in the sitting area. "You cannot look at Isabella! What if you saw her in the dress she would pick? You'd ruin the absolute beauty of seeing her in her dress for the first time on your wedding day. What is wrong with you?"

"I don't know...stupidity? Lapse in judgement? I just can't wait Rita what can I say. I'm a schoolboy with her."

Rita tapped me on my ass with a huge bridal magazine which stung a little and left me standing there.

I yelled, "I love you too Rita."

I swaggered over to the sofa and plopped down. Nelson that was so naughty of you...but it would have been awesome if I could've gotten a little peek. I bet she's gorgeous in anything.

Continuing with my calls, Isa slowly made her way around the corner. She looked tired after trying on all those dresses and I noticed that she had pulled her hair up which always has my attention since I enjoy taking her hair down so much.

"Tell me baby girl, did you decide on a dress?"

"I did. I think. I'm just going to think about it overnight."

Placing a much needed kiss on her temple I was excited for her.

"That's great news!"

I thanked Rita and we were on our way home.

"What time we need to pick up the boys?"

"They are staying at their friends for dinner so about 7 p.m."

Couldn't help but smile because we had some leftover time alone.

When we got home, I swung around and opened her door and helped her out of the car. It was about 4 p.m., and since she looked so tired, I encouraged her to take a nap while I warmed up our dinner.

I came downstairs from getting Isa settled and I noticed a car parked out in front and it looked like John in the car.

"Ah hell no!" Dialing Jeff quickly it took forever for him to answer.

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