"Do you mind if I tag along?" He asked through the phone. Let him, if his asking it. "No, not at all. You can come." I replied after a pause of two minutes. "Great, send me the address of the flower shop." He said. I nodded and ended the call. Right then, I typed the address and sent it on his number.

"Maybe you should move on with this person." Lucy spoke, eating a slice of apple. Jasper wasn't in the room. "Maybe you should fire me and hire a god damn good assistant." I rolled my eyes that just made her laugh even more.

"I want the flowers on time." She passed on a cheesy smile. "Now that your job is in my hand, I'll be late home, tonight."  As I stood up to leave, she spoke. "Someone named Lily called on your phone when you were out."

I stopped. Lily !

Turning, I faced her. "You received the call?"

She nodded. "I had to. She called for the tenth time then. She said something was urgent."

What can that be? Did she say the truth to everyone? Does the world know about me now?

I nodded and walked out of the hotel room taking my purse and phone in hand. I plugged in earplugs in my ears and shuffled through the list of songs as I walked on the Bradford road. Lucy rented a car for us to use but instead I preferred walking. The flower shop isn't far enough. I decided not to call Lily right now, whatever the news is, it can wait.

As the song teenage dream played through the earplugs, I was shifted back to the old memories again. This song was a charm back during those days. We used to portray the song like I was Katy Perry and he was the male model of the music video. He would be protective, love me, kiss me like it was the last one he could steal.

Now every February
You'll be my Valentine, Valentine.

The February never came in our relationship, everything was over before that. 

As I reached to the shop, I observed the place nearby. The street seems to be a vintage model. Every house here is new from the exterior but I given the old retro look like the one from any 17's movie. There was one house, that one huge mansion, standing out from the rest. It gave me a thought to go back to the memory and try to recognize the place, I've been here before.

I'm the king here and you're my queen.

This is the place, the mansion, where I made love to him for the first time that night when I wore his favorite color dress. I froze, like my heart stopped beating. This is the mansion, he used to paint on his own, the one he brought me to show what his dream house looked like, the one he used to draw all his paintings keeping his personal model in head.

The area outside the mansion grew green grass, also the outer wall was painted all white. Unlike he tried keeping it haunted but this place looks new.

"Emily?" I heard someone call me. As I turned, I found Aaron standing in front of me, smile covering his face and his hand busy with holding a box of chocolates.

"This is for you." He handed the brown chocolate box to me. I asked not to take it, but he said, it was thank you gift for taking out the wedding ceremony so well.

The One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now