A concert changed everything

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Hey guys a new story I hope you like it

They’re standing next to each other at the concert of Skye blue after their case. She looked at him cause he’s standing their either Alexis in his arms and he didn’t looked like a playboy! No! He looked like a carrying father who’s there for his daughter no matter what happens.

He looked at her and she’s standing alone and he don’t want her to be alone so he whispered in Alexis ear „hey pumpkin could you stand alone for a minute ?“  she looked at him confused but he just nodded to Beckett and she understands him and whispered back „of course dad I’m a big girl you know“ and smirked. That’s his daughter.

He goes to Kate and asked „ it’s a nice concert isn’t it ?“ she just nodded. She in her world and has to think of everything they have Been through. She was interrupted in her thoughts when suddenly Castle took her in his arms like he did before with Alexis. At first she looked confused at him but then she just smiled. She is here with her favorite author and her best friend and he holds her in his arms. This moment is pure magic and she enjoys this moment because you don’t know when it ends.

Martha who’s looking from distance smiles to and she just hopped that they will be together soon because everyone can see that they love each other but neither wants to admit it.
On the end of the concert Castle and Beckett still stands together and Castle asked her „Kate would you like to come with us home tonight?“ she nodded. When the concert is finished they all are going to their cars and Martha says „kiddo could you please drive with Detective Beckett because I have to speak with Alexis in private“ „when it’s ok for Beckett“ she just took his hand and goes with him to her car“

They drove in Silent but still holding hands.

Later they all sat together at the couch everyone with a glass of red wine just Alexis with orange juice. They’re talking about everything until Martha says „kiddos it’s Time for me to go to bed“ and Alexis said „Night Dad night Detektive Beckett“ „ just Kate Alexis“ „ok night dad night Kate“

Then everything went still and Castle and beckett sat together of the couch in Silent and the only thing you could hear where their breath. Castle saw that Kate was freezing so he took a blanket and took it around her but she was still freezing do he took her in his arms and suddenly she was hot and comfortable and she smiles. Sometime at night they both fall asleep with smiles on their faces and Rick is still holding Kate in his arms.

About 9am Martha comes in the living room and saw the both deeply asleep and took a photo. She makes coffee and then she wakes Rick up „hey kiddo have you slept the whole night here?“ he nodded and said „mother could you please go back to the kitchen so I can wake her. Oh and before I forgot where’s Alexis by the way“ Martha just smiles „she has school Richard“ Oh yes today is Monday and Alexis has school. Shit today is Monday Kate has to go to work.

„Hey Kate wake up we overslept you have work“ she slowly wakes up and realized their situation. She’s lying at Rick’s chest and their face near. She didn’t know what to do til Rick kisses her with all his love and she kisses him back. They stop the kiss because they can’t breath anymore „I love you Kate“ „and I love you Rick“ and then they kiss again but Rick interrupts the kiss „Kate you have to work“ „no I haven’t I have free today Montgomery kicked me out yesterday and said that I work to much so I have the whole week free“ Both are smiling like idiots.

They never thought that a concert will bring so much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2017 ⏰

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