Chapter 8

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Once he had woken up Iwaizumi was quick to hug his taller friend. His big arms engulfed his porcelain like friend, almost like barriers protecting him from the rest of the world and Oikawa loved it.

They sat like that for a while but soon had to stand up and get ready for school. Iwaizumi had left a note for his father the night before, explaining that he was going to stay at Oikawa's to study.

As they went to stand up Iwaizumi grabbed his friend by the shoulders and looked his straight in the eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you for texting me to come help. Thank you for trusting me. I want to help in the best way possible but you need to be more open. How can we fix this, fix you. Last night was torture, having to see you like that. I swear it was killing me."

Something in Oikawa's brain flipped a switch. Hw threw Iwaizumi's hands away from his arms, glaring at him. He didn't know what had came over him but hearing his so called friend treat him like some charity case hurt. He was troubled by the fact that he had caused his friend pain and couldn't contain his feeling. Before hw knew it, words of hatred were spilling out his mouth.

"I don't need your help." Oikawa muttered, slowly dreading every word. His voice grew louder as he began spouting insults.

"I don't need fixed, Hajime! I'm fine! It was one little panic attack, nothing more. Why can't you get that through your head! I'm not some charity case that you can try and fix to make you feel better about yourself. I'M FINE!"

Iwaizumi was stunned by his friends sudden outburst. His features slowly changed to a hard expression with rage taking over him.

"Bullshit! You stand here and tell me your fine when just a couple of hours ago you were in hissterics! You say your fine but your not People don't just have one little panic attack! And how dare you think that I am doing this for my own selfish reasons! Why the Hell do you think so lowly of me! I thought that we were friends..."

"If you really were my friend then you would understand that I don't need your damn charity!"

"It's not fucking charity! I care about you, you damn idiot. If your too blind to see that, well that is NOT my fault!"

Oikawa could feel the hot tears streaming down his face. It was torture having to speak to the person who had stood by his side since they were young, like this. The words just kept pouring out of him even though he knew that he ment none of it. Every word hurt but he couldn't stop. He couldn't bare to look up for he feared what kind of face he would be met with.

Iwaizumi's legs began to shake as he felt his heart being ripped into a million pieces. He couldn't believe the words coming from his friends mouth. Every little word stung and left burns in his tongue, captivating anything he truly wanted to say.

The two boys stood in silence unable to utter another word. It was killing them, word by word until they couldn't take it anymore. Oikawa lifted his head only to be met with a tearful Iwaizumi. This was the first time since they were little kids that he had seen him like this.

Iwaizumi was his rock. Rocks aren't meant to cry. It was all his fault. He had fucked up yet another thing in his life.

The two managed to peel there eyes away from the ground and look at each other.  The two teens were met with a sight that they never wanted to witness. Both boys were blubbering messes, unable to move they just stared at each other taking everything in.

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