Chapter 7

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Oikawa was sat in a corner of his room with music on full blast. It was one of his coping mechanisms. The lyrics would easily drown out any sound leaving him alone with the words of the song. His eyes were squeezed shut and his head was engulfed in his bony hands trying to feel some form of comfort.

A muffled voice could be heard ever so slightly but he didn't care. He just kept his head down and hope that his mind would just switch off. Due to the fast pace of his breaths, breathing soon became a struggle but as he could slowly feel himself being drawn into sleep he was encaptivated by a warm presence.

As he forced himself to look up his eyes met with a pair of dark brown ones. The boys voice began to croak and break as he spoke to his saviour in a state of panic,"Iwa-chan! I'm sorry, I'm sorry for waking you up, I'm sorry for messing up, again. I'm s-" "Don't be sorry just...just breath." Iwaizumi exclaimed to his crying friend. Oikawa obeyed, and just concentrated on calming down.

The pair stayed like that for a while. Iwaizumi sat cradling Oikawa whilst Oikawa tried to calm the thoughts rushing about in his brain. The crying boy rested his head on his friends chest listening to his steady heart beat breathing in sync with the rhythm. Iwaizumi could hear every sniffle and breath he took and every time he felt a warm tear hit his own hand he would feel nauseous.

It was absolute hell having to see his oh so happy friend fall apart right in front of him. He couldn't help but feel responsible. Every insult, every name he called him. How could he have been so blind. How did he not realise that his friend was in so much pain.

He stroked the boys brown hair, brushing through all the tangles hoping to create a gesture of comfort. A pair of bony hands slowly intertwined with his own and began to draw circles with his thumb.

The two ended up falling asleep like that, blissfully unaware of the world around them.

When Oikawa's eyes fluttered open he was met with a strong figure sleeping quietly. This was a rare moment since it was one of the only times where the ace didn't look intimidating, he looked soft and peaceful.

Oikawa couldn't resist taking a picture but as soon as he went to grab his phone a strong arm yanked him back to the floor. He slowly melted into his friend arm and closed his eyes with a big grin plastered on his face.

He hasn't felt that soundly since when he was younger and would go on camping trips with his Iwa-chan and they would look at the stars for hours until sleep took over them. He felt at peace for once in a very long time. He wished that they could stay like this forever but alas human nature got the better of him and Iwaizumi woke up.

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