"Mother! Pleases ask the Forest Spirit to save you." San runs up to us, but I shake my head at her.

    "I have lived long enough, San. Soon the Forest Spirit will let me rest forever."

    "All these years you defended the Forest Spirit! He must save you!" I snarl at the pigs as they draw the attention back with their infernal squealing.

    "You are not fooling us. Nago was beautiful and strong. He would not have run from anything. You wolves must have eaten him!" I snarl and step forward.

    "Shut up you filthy pigs!" I yell at them, but still they squealed.

    "Quiet! Watch what you say, you filthy pig!" San joins me in yelling. All of sudden Ashitaka weakly begins talking. I quickly walk over to him and go to my knees so I sat next to him.

    "Gods of the mountain please listen to me. Nago died far from here and I was the one who killed him. He had become some kind of demon. One day he attacked our village. If you want proof, look at my hand where he touched me." Ashitaka weakly lifts his hand and un-wraps his hand. I touch the marked hand gently and feel his hand. If falls out of my hold as Ashitaka brings it back to his side. "I came here to beg the Forest Spirit to lift Nago's curse from me. He healed the bullet wound in my side, but the demon mark remains. First it will tear my soul apart, and then it will kill me." I look at Ashitaka sadly. All of sudden I heard mother talk about Lord Okkoto. I look up as the Okkoto approaches. San comes running up but I stop her.

    "He won't eat Ashitaka." I whisper to her. She nods and walks back to mother. "Hello Lord Okkoto." I greet the boar. I lift my hand to his nose seeing that his eyes are blind to this world.

    "Ah, you are Luka, one of Moro's human children, aren't you? I have heard of you." he breathes into my face. "Do not fear. I will not eat him." I nod and look down at Ashitaka.

    "It's alright Luka. My lord Okkoto, what I said about Nago's death was truth." Ashitaka raises his hand and the Lord breathes in deeply.

    "I believe you, and I thank you for it, young one. I am only grieved and ashamed that such a demon has come from our tribe."

    "Oh mighty lord, is there a way to lift Nago's curse from me?" Ashitaka asks.

    "Leave this forest...for the next time we meet I will have to kill you.”

    "You cannot win against the humans. Their guns will destroy you all."

    "Look on my tribe, Moro. We grow small, and we grow stupid. We will soon be nothing, but squealing game...that the humans hunt for their meat." I shake my head at the lord knowing he couldn't see me.  

    "You'd risk everything on one last battle? That's just what the humans want."

    "I do not ask for the help of the wolf tribe. Even if every one of us dies, it will be a battle the humans will never forget." My eyes followed the pigs, but once they are all gone something catches my eyes. It's the Forest Spirit.

    "The Forest Spirit." whispered my sister. It drinks some water, and then walks away. I nod to San and to my mother and pick up Ashitaka. I carry him up to our cave. I put him in my furs which now turned brown. I make sure he is warm, and then go out to hunt. I am able to find some berries and by the time I have my fill its a couple hours before sunrise. I quickly head back home. As I walk in I yawn in exhaustion and lay down on the right side of Ashitaka. On his left was San who was curled up in her furs. I find some furs that were lying around and curled up in them. I close my eyes as I do I hear grunting coming from Ashitaka. I open my eyes and see him grasping his arm in pain. I sit up and touch it.

    "I wish I could take this burden you carry Ashitaka, but I can't which makes me feel helpless.” He looks up at me and slowly brings his good hand to my cheek and slowly rubs where I repainted my markings. I raise my hand and cover over his. Slowly his hand brings my face down to his. I stare at wonder with the look of wonder inside his eyes seeing the reflection of my silver white hair. Finally our lips met and I close my eyes. I swing my leg over him and deepen the kiss, but then I hear a sigh coming from next to us. I break the kiss and look over to where it came from. San was sound asleep. I sigh in annoyance and lay back down where I once had been. He sits up and again brings his hand to my cheek.

    "I will be back." he smiles at me as I smile back at him.

    "Ok." I curl up in my furs and slowly after hearing Ashitaka leave the cave I fall asleep.

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