I thought you were my Best Friend

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That's what our friendship has dwindled to?

It's like, we've been the best of friends for a long time.

But I have suspected something bothering you in your mind.

I thought it was something minor, so to the subject and situation I acted less kinder.

I never knew that my talents and success troubled you.

But sadly there was nothing I could do.


If you had a problem you could have just told me, but you kept it to yourself secretly

I told you all my secrets and you used them against me

You said horrible things that weren't true

And instead of asking me if it were true

they were stupid enough to believe you.

From then i found out you could not be trusted

so I've decided to stay away from you as suggested.

You were my bestfriend

But now, I'm sorry. I didnt want to have to say this but

You are here by banished from being my best friend.

Friendship PoemsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang