Reaping Day

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 Early the next morning, I was up before anyone else. Glimmer was fast asleep. I went out to meet with my friend so we could train a little more before the reaping. I slid out of the house without a sound.

“Shadow,” My friend called seeing me.

“Glimmer’s still sleeping.” I told him.

“I don’t mind training with my girlfriend’s sister.” He laughed patting me on the back.

“Nye!” I said hitting him lightly. We both laughed, and got out some weapons that we had hidden. Glimmer joined us around lunch time.

We trained until about two-thirty. After that, Glimmer and I went home to shower and change.

“Shadow, can you button me up?” Glimmer asked me.

“Sure,” I said buttoning up her dress. The sparkling white cloth shimmered in the light. I slipped into my black dress and smiled. I curled the ends of Glimmer’s hair, and she pulled my hair up into a curled bun. We walked to the square where the reaping was always held. Nye was waiting with his little sister. I watched as Nye and Glimmer kissed. I envied her because she has a boyfriend and I don’t. We took our places waiting for the reaping to begin.

“Ladies first shall we?” A lady said. She reached into a bowl, and pulled out a name. “Glimmer…” That’s all I heard as I was crying, as I watched Glimmer walk up to the stage. The lady reached into another bowl and read the name on the slip. “Marvel…” she said. I still wasn’t really listening. I watched a boy go up on stage. I still was crying when Nye walked up. He was crying. He knew that with Glimmer being a tribute meant that she probably wouldn’t be coming back. 

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