Prologue-- Sorry, I Must Have Heard You Wrong

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“I think we should break up.”

He stared at me with such utter certainty, I knew I couldn’t have imagined it. My mind was going haywire all of a sudden, so far away from the calm blissful state I’d been in just minutes before.

“W-what?” I blinked.

This was Erick. My Erick. I could barely understand the words he was saying. Before I could open my mouth again, he clamped his hand over it.

“It's okay. We can still be friends.” He had on his sweetest of sweet smiles, and his voice didn’t hold the least bit of hesitation. He flipped his shaggy, dirty blond hair to the side.  It was all almost… casual? But that couldn’t be, I must have heard him wrong… twice in a row.

My heart started racing when my mind finally registered what it all meant. My breath came faster.

“W-why?” Is all I could get out. I mentally scolded myself for sounding so weak and vulnerable, but I couldn’t think about it long. I needed to know why he pulled this up so suddenly. We hadn’t fought… ever.

I rested my arm on the couch to give me a little more support and glanced around Erick’s basement. Around all the picture frames and disgusting beige wall paper. It was all so much, all the things I would never see again.

He twisted his beautiful face all up like he was thinking.  “Well to be honest, love, you’re sort of, uh… boring.”

“I… uh… I…”

He smiled and moved his arm behind my back on the couch. “But, we can still hook up if you want.”

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