About twenty minutes later, I reached the building where my first class, Abnormal Psychology, was located. I walked into the lecture hall where my class was and scanned the room to figure out where I would sit for the remainder of the semester. I didn't want to be too close to the front for fear of the professor picking on me to answer any questions. But I didn't want to be in the back, either, because I wouldn't be able to see. I settled for the fourth row from the front, figuring it was a happy medium. Luckily for me, I was about ten minutes early to class, so there weren't very many people in the classroom. The professor wasn't even there yet. I took a seat near the middle so that I wouldn't have to keep getting up when students started pouring in. 

I pulled out my laptop and took out a notebook and pen. As I waited, I doodled aimlessly on the first blank page of my notebook. Within a few minutes, students began pouring into the classroom. The sound of chatter filled the room as people discovered their friends and figured out their seating arrangements.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" I heard a voice say. I looked up to see a young man with tousled dark brown hair and black framed glasses standing over me. 


"Yeah, go for it," I said, kicking aside my bag so he had room for his.

"Thanks," he said, setting his stuff down and scooting into the seat next to me. "I'm Nate," he said.

"Blake," I replied. 

"Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around before," he said.

"It's a big school," I answered. He chuckled.

"Yeah, but only psychology majors take classes like these and I haven't seen you in any other introductory level psych classes," he pointed out.

"Touché," I said. "This is my first semester here. I did my first two years at a community college. Including the intro level psych classes," I explained.

"Nice. Saving money," Nate said, leaning back in his seat. He reached down and pulled out his laptop which was covered in stickers of various bands and superhero logos. He opened up the laptop to reveal a keyboard cover that matched the craziness of the surface of his laptop. It was colorful and had images all over it.

"Nice laptop," I commented. He grinned.

"Thanks," he said. 

After a few more minutes, the professor walked in and the class settled down. I raised my eyebrows when I saw the professor. He was incredibly attractive. He had messy brown hair, wide blue eyes, and glasses. He was wearing a dark grey plaid suit and he looked pretty young.

"Hello, class. I'm Dr. Parker. This is Abnormal Psychology. If you're in the wrong class, I suggest you leave now and find the correct class before it's too late," Dr. Parker, the professor, said as he set down his bag at the front of the room. Funnily enough, I heard someone curse under their breath behind me and the sound of scuffling as a student got up and left the classroom with a red face. "There's always one," Dr. Parker mumbled, shaking his head.

"I heard this guy is a genius," Nate said, leaning closer to me to whisper. "He graduated from Harvard at the age of 20. He started college when he was 16," he said. I raised my eyebrows, even more impressed. Dr. Parker began signing into the computer in the front.

"Everyone, please pull up the syllabus for the class. It's located on the Blackboard site under the class name," Dr. Parker said.

"His name sounds kind of familiar," I said, pulling up my student information tab. I searched for my mentors and came across his name. "Aha. That's why. He's my faculty mentor," I said, pointing to my screen.

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