Chapter 1.

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"Zayn! Get up, today is the day we're getting our baby!" Harry smiled, shaking Zayn from his deep slumber.

"Harry? Ughn. What's going on?" Zayn mumbles, rubbing the sleep from his caramel eyes.

"Zayn! Get up, today's the day we're getting our baby boy." Harry grins excitedly.

Zayn rolls out of bed, the two boys take a shower, then eat a quick breakfast before tidying up the house. The lady from the adoption agency would be here any minute with their new son. As if on cue, the doorbell sounded through the house. Harry basically leaped of the couch, bounding towards the door opening it excitedly.

Harry was more than surprised to see three boys instead of one with the lady from the adoption agency. Maybe she had to drop of the other boys somewhere else?

"Hi, I'm Harry." He greets warmly.

"Rosie, it's a pleasure." She smiles. Zayn is now standing next to Harry.

"So this is Niall, the boy you were originally going to adopt." Rosie says, handing the small blonde boy over to Zayn and his files to Harry.

"And these two are Louis who is five and Liam, who is sixteen, I was hoping you could take them in too?"

Zayn and Harry exchange glances, they're not really sure if they can look after a baby, a young child and a teenager.

"Uh I don't know. I mean I work, and Harry would have to do a lot of parenting himself." Zayn sighs, feeling bad.

"Look I totally understand. But the orphanage is closing down, we need homes for the children and I thought you guys would be willing to take them in." She sighs, turning to leave with the other two boys.

"Okay! We'll take them." Harry shouts.

Rosie turns back, pushing Louis and Liam inside, handing Harry their files as well then leaving straight away.

"Well, first things first, we need to go shopping to get you two some stuff, we already have Niall's things, because we were expecting him." Harry smiles.


The car ride is silent, except for Niall who babbles away to himself, giggling every so often. When they arrive, Niall insists Zayn carries him through the shopping complex, Louis holds Harrys hand and Liam walks by Zayn.

Zayn figures it'll be a good idea to get to know Liam a little bit, because Harry and Louis are walking ahead.

"So Liam, do you want to tell me a bit about yourself love?"

"I uh, well I like singing. I've been in the orphanage since I was seven. That's really all I guess." Liam whispers softly.

"Harry is a pretty good singer himself." Zayn hums, taking a few shirts of the rack for Liam.

Once they've brought all the essentials, Harry and Zayn decide to take their new sons for ice-cream.

"Liam, what flavour would you like hunny?" Harry asks.

"Chocolate please."

"How about you Lou?" Harry smiles.

"Same as Li please Daddy."

"Daddy?" Harry questions, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you're Daddy! And he's Baba." Louis giggles pointing to Zayn.

"Okay sweetie." Harry says, a giant smile forming on his face.

When Zayn asks Niall which ice-cream flavour he'd like he giggles, pressing his stubby little baby fingers onto the glass pointing to the blue bubblegum flavoured one.

The new family sat together at a table, Harry putting a spoon of the ice-cream into Niall's mouth, helping feed the blonde.

"Cowld!" He screeched, clapping his little hands. Both Harry and Zayn cooed at Niall's actions. By the time Niall had finished his cold snack he had the blue liquid all over his face.

"Did you enjoy that hunny?" Harry laughs, Niall crinkling his nose as Harry wipes his face.


"Okay Louis time for bed." Harry calls, chasing the cheeky boy around the house. Niall had been put in bed an hour ago, and Liam was in his new room watching a movie.

"No Daddy no."

Eventually Harry catches the small five year old, scooping him up and taking him to the new bed the brought him.

"Good night sweet pea." Harry whispers, placing a kiss on Louis forehead.

By 10pm everyone was asleep, but of course the silence didn't last wrong, Louis woke up screaming.

Harry sprung out of bed and into Louis room to see the poor boy bundled up in his sheets bawling his eyes out.

"Louis? Baby it's okay." Harry soothes, trying to get the screaming boy to calm down before he wakes up the other two.

"What's wrong?"

"They're coming to get me." Louis sobs, burying his face into the crook of Harry neck.

"Who is hunny?"

"M-my old mummy and daddy. They want to hit me." Louis cries were only becoming louder, Harry was waiting for Niall's cries to ring through out the house anytime now.

"Louis, I promise they won't get you you're safe with us now." Harry tucks Louis back into his bed, just as he's a about to get back into bed with Zayn he hears more cries, this time they're Niall's.

This is going to be long night. Maybe looking after three boys won't be as east as they thought.

Harry went into Niall's room, not wanting to deal with another crying child on the first night, he heated up a bottle, taking Niall up to he and Zayn's room to feed him. The whole time Niall drank his bottle he looked up at Harry with his big blue eyes, watching the curly haired lad curiously. By the time Niall had finished he was fast asleep in Harry's lap. Not wanting to wake up the sleeping boy he placed him between himself and Zayn, surely it wouldn't hurt to have him sleep with them for just one night.

A/N: wow so many people voted on the description thing! (: so here's your first chapter. It's not all to exciting but the drama will be here soon!

Please vote, comment & fan of you liked it! (:

Bye Chickens!! Xx

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