"Are you guys ready to go to the Pier?" Lisa asked.

"No,"Grayson answered.

"Well," Lisa started, "I guess...you can just...meet us in the car when you're ready." She seemed annoyed which caused me to get up quickly, too quickly, from our semi-public display of affection. Grayson didn't approve.

"I'll get my camera," I called back to him as I bounded down the hall. He followed me to his bedroom, seemed determined—and a little desperate—to get in a little more lip action before we left.

Navy Pier  Grayson

Our first stop along the Pier was a drink stand where Lisa ordered a cocktail and offered to get me one too. Instead, Laurabelle and I shared a lemonade. Lilly drank her own. The second stop which would've been the first stop if I was calling the shots, was the ferris wheel. All four of us got on together in a compartment that easily seated more. We climbed high enough to see the Planetarium and Shedd clearly from the air. The best part of the enormous ride was watching Laurabelle as she snapped photographs from the ferris wheel's perspective. We spent a lot of time in the Pier's botanical garden. Laurabelle took photographs of the flora but also of Lilly and me. Lisa left. Then came back with her third frozen strawberry beverage in the last hour. 

The four of us walked together from the Pier to the beach nearby. The evening was warm with a typical strong breeze coming in from Lake Michigan. Lilly and Lisa walked near the water in the place where their feet got wet but the sand was hard enough to hold them up solidly. Laurabelle and I sat next to each other in looser, dry sand. "Today's my dad's birthday," I said not looking away from the water. Laurabelle turned and looked directly at me, but she didn't say anything. "I'm okay," I said pointing at Lilly and Lisa, "but that's why I invited them."

She took my hand from my lap and wrapped both of hers around it, then she smiled. "Grayson, your dad would be proud of the way you take care of them." The way Laurabelle said it caused my voice to catch in my throat, "I hope so."

I looked at her appreciatively and whispered hoarsely, "I miss him." She nodded. Laurabelle always seemed to say just the right amount of words. "I'll show you some pictures of him tonight," I promised.

In the midst of our quietness, Laurabelle relaxed enough to doze. She might as well...we were waiting for Lilly and Lisa to get back from their walk anyway, and I wondered...would my dad be proud of the man I was becoming? Would he approve of my college major? Would he like Laurabelle? That question...I knew the answer. My dad would love her. But he wouldn't like or be proud of the relationship I had with his wife. Anyone else but me he'd probably kill over it.

Finally, almost an hour after I was left alone with my thoughts, Lilly and Lisa walked back into view. Laurabelle shook the sand out of her skirt and I brushed the sand off my pants. Then I swiped a couple sandy places on Laurabelle's skirt she missed. She returned the favor wholeheartedly, even swatted me playfully after rubbing her hands in places the sand had long been removed. Much to the dismay of Lisa who rolled her eyes at Laurabelle's childish behavior. But all I wanted to do was find an isolated, quiet place where she could continue her assault. Instead, Laurabelle and I headed back to Navy Pier. With Lilly and Lisa. In order to claim a spot for the fireworks display. 

While we waited on the Pier with half of Chicago, Lisa had another cocktail...the rest of us had ice cream. The fireworks sparkled glitter over the glossy mirror of Lake Michigan, and the blasts of fire burned peace over all of us. When it was over, everyone seemed happy. Until I wrecked it. 

I knew what I needed to do, and in my defense, I did pause to contemplate the fallout.  I finally gathered enough resolve when we all walked toward Lisa's SUV. "Give me the keys, Lisa," my own tone startled me.

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