This is an A,B convo C your way out of it!

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Before I start off with a long soppy story about my life, let me tell you a bit about myself.

Name: Ashley M Z


Age: 13


Sex: Female Nigga.


Height: 5'5


Hair Color: pink, purple, and blonde. ( weird but cute )


Eye Color: brown (ugh)


Body Type: Um. THICKKK (lmao jk no)


Religion: Atheist. Where be da god. no one knows.



Orientation: Bi sexual


Status: Taken.



Color? Purple


Hair Style? Scene Cut.


Food? idk but did you know ice cream is a beverage (pointless fact from Ashley. youre welcome)


Soda? wtf you tryna make me fat or what


Alchoholic Beverage? Um. Im 13 ok


Store? Hot topic.


Mall? Eagle Ridge.


State? FL.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2014 ⏰

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