Baby Daddies

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Chapter 2 – Baby Daddies

Gabe POV

Well it's about fucking time. I've been waiting for Trouble to tell us about our precious little surprise for three fucking weeks. Trying to sneak about with my sketch book and pencils, scouring the internet for cribs and changing stations without Luke finding out has been a shitting nightmare. He's such a sneaky shit he nearly caught me a couple of times, I've had to hide my design board in Mr B's office, no one other than Trouble would dare set foot in there without invitation.


"Oy, Trouble, guys, is anyone home?" My question echoes round the house as I shout to see if anyone is home yet. I'm hoping everyone is still out, it's easier to be sneaky when Luke and Trouble aren't around. Trusting that North won't be checking the cameras I run back out onto the porch and bring a brand spanking new white shiny pinboard in. Taking it up to my room I drag my box of special goodies out from under my bed. It has been a nightfuckingmare trying to hide my excitement from Trouble, so many times I've nearly dropped a bomb and said something or asked her opinion on a piece of furniture, it's slowly killing me. She better fucking tell us all soon or I'll explode. Luke is already starting to look at me strange, he knows that I'm working on something secret but he's not been able to find out what. Now I just need somewhere to hide my creative masterpiece. Mr B's office, no one would dare go in there without invite, hmm now do I ask or do I do?

Pale pink walls with pretty glitter butterflies for a girl. I could incorporate everyone's colour in the design on the wings, apart from black, I'm not putting fucking black on my masterpiece, unless, do antenna count.

For a boy, hmm, cars, trains and diggers are so over done, I need something unique. Stars and planets, nope too dark. Got it, a jungle theme, greens, yellow, big animals, an orange tiger.

End Flashback

Sean POV

I couldn't stop the massive Cheshire Cat grin from spreading across my face if I tried. I am so proud of Pookie, I'm going to be a daddy. Oh I know that I was angry that she hadn't told us sooner, and for not coming to me with her concerns, but I can forgive and forget that. I just want to hold her, and stroke that cute little pooch and croon to my very own destiny baby.

I'd suspected for two weeks that she is pregnant. She had been looking green at dinner time, pushing food round her plate. Had a snappy disposition, North had been on the receiving end of her temper a few times. And her cute flat tummy had a nice little smooth roundness to it.

Flashback Two Weeks

My double shift at the hospital is finally over and I'm absolutely shattered, there is nothing I want more than to slip into bed with Pookie and sleep for a week with her wrapped up in my arms. Trudging through the front door as quietly as I can I see Owen sitting on the sofa in the family room waiting up for me. What's wrong now is my first thought.

"Sean, do you think that if Sang knew something, a big life altering something, that she would come to me for help?".

"Well Owen, I would hope that after everything we have been through she would feel more than comfortable to come to any one of us with a problem. So my question to you would be, what do you think is wrong with our darling Mrs Green?". I'm quite sure that I'm the only one that knows about Pookie's news, but then I should have known that Owen was too astute to not notice and immediately know what was wrong with Sang.

"I believe that the future Mrs Blackbourne is pregnant, but I do not believe that she is aware of that fact". Hmm it hadn't occurred to me that she didn't know, well that makes more sense as to why she hadn't come to me.

"I believe, Owen, that you are correct, Mrs Green" heavy emphasis on the Mrs Green, "is indeed pregnant, she is also most likely unaware. The question is when can we tell her?"

"We don't, we will wait and trust that when she realises she will come to us first".

End Flashback

North POV

What the fuck, which brother am I going to have to kill for doing this to my Sang Baby. How could they, how many times has Doc given us the talk, no glove no love, wrap it before you tap it, don't be a fool cover your tool blah blah blah. I feel like I'm about to explode, I'm so angry. Angry that one of them could be so careless and reckless, I'm not ready to be a father yet, what with the great example that I had, I'm too big and rough, any kid would be scared of me.

"Which one of you shit heads has done this to us. How could you be so selfish and do this to Baby. We're not ready for a kid, shit we're still fucking kids ourselves".

Everyone has gone silent at my outburst. Sang is sitting in Victor's lap shaking, looking at me with those big beautiful green eyes, tears falling down her cheeks. I know I've gone too far, but I can't stop myself from spewing hateful things at my brothers, but it hurts, inside. It hurts because I know that I'm not the father. Turning to look at my brother to gauge his reaction to this bombshell I see that Luke is looking at me with complete and utter disgust. Shit, fuck, bollocks, asshat what have I done.

Quickly rounding the table I fall to my knees in front of Sang. I need to make her believe that it's ok, that everything will be ok. I need to make her stay with me, she's the only one that can calm me, I'll even beg. "Sang, Baby, I'm sorry. Sorry for the things I said". Before I can finish I feel a warm hand on my cheek, a thumb gently wipes away the tear that I didn't know had fallen. When I look into her eyes it's like she can see right into my soul, she can see everything I'm trying to say but don't know how.

"North Star it's not ok, but I know. I know what you feel, because I feel all the same things".

Burying my head in her lap I whisper my biggest fear. "Baby, I'm... I'm scared. Scared that we're not ready for this. Scared that I'm not going to be able to do this. I don't know how to be anything but loud and rough, this kid will be scared of me".

Unplanned Surprise जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें