Lonely Whale

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Willie The Whales POV

I sighed, I wish people can understand me and be my friend but I know that no one likes me because I'm a whale, I'm not the one to force people to be my friends I just don't want to be alone all my life. Their just meanies that are very popular and not nice to anyone but their self and the mean friend. So I sit on the park bench.

Poly The Pink Whales POV

I was swimming to the Water Way Park and I saw a little whale all by himself. I feel really bad for him so I swam over to him. " Hey are you ok"? I asked calmly to him. " yeah I'm ok".he said sadly " I'm Polly and I was wondering if you in need of a friend"? I asked. He looked up to me and said "Yeah but no one wants to be my friend". hmmm I thought to my self for a bit and I asked him......

Ayyye my biologists what is up and I'm sorry for the cliffhanger but you'll find out next time on TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND.            

sorry had to or I would've died.       o_o  ok bye my biologists

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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